Public Sub FindNew()
Dim r As Range, rSearch As Range
Dim vbResult As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim firstAddress
'This creates a union of the specific columns and makes for easy reference in the code!
Set r = Union(Columns("G:G"), Columns("K:K"))
'This looks for the first instance of text "New"
Set rSearch = r.Find(What:="New", After:=Range("G1"), LookIn:=xlValues, Lookat:=xlWhole)
'If there's no cell with text "New then it will go to else
If Not rSearch Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = rSearch.Address
ContinueHere: 'See below in Case 1
'This sets an option of ignoring and going to the next cell
vbResult = MsgBox("Found New in: " & rSearch.Address _
& vbCrLf & "Do you want to ignore?", vbOKCancel, "FOUND CELL")
Select Case vbResult
Case 1 'Case Ignore
Set rSearch = r.FindNext(rSearch)
If rSearch.Address = firstAddress Then Exit Sub
GoTo ContinueHere 'We'll use the same message box to avoid recursive code
Case 2 'Case end macro
'Continue here to end macro
End Select
'Continue here to end macro
End If
End Sub