I was able to write a macro that will build a Userform from scratch and add labels and combo boxes if there are values in certain cells, using the following:
Cells A1 through F1 have strings in them, thus 6 labels and comboboxes are added.
What I would like to do is add a MultiPage, and split these labels and comboboxes into 3 different pages.
I was able to figure out how to create a MultiPage with 3 pages onto a UserForm through a macro with this.
What I can't figure out is how to combine these 2 Macros into 1.
I want it to make the UserForm, then add in a MultiPage and then in the Multipage add Labels and Comboboxes.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Sub Testing()
Dim TrackForm As VBComponent
Dim tCB As MSForms.ComboBox
Dim tLB As MSForms.Label
Dim Numb As Worksheet
Set Numb = Worksheets("Numbers")
Dim Track As String
Dim oRow As Integer
Dim oCol As Integer
Dim Tval As Integer
oRow = 1
oCol = 15
Tval = 10
' Making Form
Set TrackForm = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject _
With TrackForm
.Properties("Height") = 400
.Properties("Width") = 350
On Error Resume Next
.Properties("Caption") = "Please select Track Codes"
End With
For oCol = 15 To 69
Track = Numb.Cells(oRow, oCol).Value
If Track <> "" Then
Set tLB = TrackForm.Designer.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1")
With tLB
.Name = "tName"
.Caption = Track
.Left = 25
.Top = Tval
.Height = 12
.Width = 150
.Font.Size = 10
End With
Set tCB = TrackForm.Designer.Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1")
With tCB
.Name = "tCode"
.Left = 170
.Top = Tval
.Height = 16
.Width = 150
End With
Tval = Tval + 16
End If
Next oCol
End Sub
Cells A1 through F1 have strings in them, thus 6 labels and comboboxes are added.
What I would like to do is add a MultiPage, and split these labels and comboboxes into 3 different pages.
I was able to figure out how to create a MultiPage with 3 pages onto a UserForm through a macro with this.
Sub Testing()
Dim TrackForm As VBComponent
Dim tMP As MSForms.MultiPage
' Making Form
Set TrackForm = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject _
With TrackForm
.Properties("Height") = 400
.Properties("Width") = 350
On Error Resume Next
.Properties("Caption") = "Please select Track Codes"
End With
Set tMP = TrackForm.Designer.Controls.Add("Forms.MultiPage.1")
With tMP
.Name = "HostMP"
.Width = 325
.Height = 200
.Left = 10
.Top = 70
.Pages(0).Name = "Socal"
.Pages(0).Caption = "Socal Host"
.Pages(1).Name = "Losal"
.Pages(1).Caption = "Los Alamitos Host"
.Pages.Add.Name = "CalX"
.Pages(2).Caption = "Cal Expo Host"
End With
End Sub
What I can't figure out is how to combine these 2 Macros into 1.
I want it to make the UserForm, then add in a MultiPage and then in the Multipage add Labels and Comboboxes.
Any help would be much appreciated.