I am try to make it so when a certain number is entered into a box, and a button is clicked, it will take you to a different place depending on what number was entered. I keep getting various errors when writing this in Visual Basic such as "Block If without End If," :End if withou block if" Else without if. and "Run-time error '13': type mismatch."
As of now this is what I have:
Sub Testbutton()
' If "D8"=011 Then
' Application.Goto Reference:="R28C1"
' If "D8"=701 Then
' Application.Goto Reference:="R86C1"
' End If
End Sub
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As of now this is what I have:
Sub Testbutton()
' If "D8"=011 Then
' Application.Goto Reference:="R28C1"
' If "D8"=701 Then
' Application.Goto Reference:="R86C1"
' End If
End Sub
Any help would be greatly appreciated.