Good day all,
I'm trying to accommodate a request for an auto sort upon a WB opening.
I've used the macro recorder to to acquire the following:
I also attempted to use the menu sort function but because the data starts on row 9 of the spreadsheet I'm trying to sort I was having trouble just using the column the menu sort was asking for because the header of this worksheet contains merged cells at the top.
The sorts, in requested order, are as follows: G9, H9 and L9. The associated data is A9:S200.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
I'm trying to accommodate a request for an auto sort upon a WB opening.
I've used the macro recorder to to acquire the following:
And then I've added this to my ThisWorkbook code. It works fine. My problem is I'm not sure how to incorporate the other two sorts requested. I fear that if I replicate what I've listed it will over write the previous sorts.Range("G9").Select
Range("A9:S100").Sort Key1:=Range("G9"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _
xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
I also attempted to use the menu sort function but because the data starts on row 9 of the spreadsheet I'm trying to sort I was having trouble just using the column the menu sort was asking for because the header of this worksheet contains merged cells at the top.
The sorts, in requested order, are as follows: G9, H9 and L9. The associated data is A9:S200.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!