Hello All,
New to this site. Need some help with a macro. I dont know if it is possible or I am just approaching the wrong way.
It is a little complex to explain so I hope I explain it correctly and don't confuse anyone.
I have a tab called "July PO Data" and I need certain data (PO #, PO QTY, Unit Price & extended Price) to automatically populate into the "Part II" tab according to Part Numbers.
For example part number 6095533, So i need the PO#, PO Qty, unit Price and extended price in "JULY PO Data" that is under that part number (6095533) needs to populate into "Part II" cell AB9, AC9, AD9 and AE9 and so on. Part number 6095533 has 5 PO's in this example.
However the problem is that this is a variably sized ranged, i.e. next month part 6095533 might have 8 PO's for it.
I hope this is not confusing.
Thanks any questions please ask.
New to this site. Need some help with a macro. I dont know if it is possible or I am just approaching the wrong way.
It is a little complex to explain so I hope I explain it correctly and don't confuse anyone.
I have a tab called "July PO Data" and I need certain data (PO #, PO QTY, Unit Price & extended Price) to automatically populate into the "Part II" tab according to Part Numbers.
For example part number 6095533, So i need the PO#, PO Qty, unit Price and extended price in "JULY PO Data" that is under that part number (6095533) needs to populate into "Part II" cell AB9, AC9, AD9 and AE9 and so on. Part number 6095533 has 5 PO's in this example.
However the problem is that this is a variably sized ranged, i.e. next month part 6095533 might have 8 PO's for it.
I hope this is not confusing.
Thanks any questions please ask.