Public Sub ShiftsCopyBlockTwice()<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
Dim ws1 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim ws2 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim ws3 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim ws4 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim ws5 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim ws6 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim iLastRow As Long<o></o>
Dim iRow As Long<o></o>
Dim iOutRow As Long<o></o>
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("HEADER")<o></o>
Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MONDAY")<o></o>
Set ws3 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TUESDAY")<o></o>
Set ws4 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("WEDNESDAY")<o></o>
Set ws5 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("THURSDAY")<o></o>
Set ws6 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("FRIDAY")<o></o>
iLastRow = ws1.Range("B5").End(xlDown).Row<o></o>
iOutRow = 10<o></o>
For iRow = 5 To iLastRow<o></o>
iOutRow = iOutRow + 1<o></o>
ws1.Cells(iRow, "B").Copy Destination:=ws2.Cells(iOutRow, "A")<o></o>
If ws1.Cells(iRow, "B").Value >= "4100" And ws1.Cells(iRow, "B").Value <= "4130" Then<o></o>
iOutRow = iOutRow + 1<o></o>
ws1.Cells(iRow, "B").Copy Destination:=ws2.Cells(iOutRow, "A")<o></o>
End If<o></o>
Above is part of macro i am using and works fine.
I have on Header sheet a list in ColB from 4000 to 4130
Above macro relists these numbers in Col A in MONDAY with numbers
4100 to 4130 listed twice eg:-
4004 etc
4102 etc
I have in "HEADER" Col C and Col E a list of times corresponding to the the list of numbers 4000 to 4130
I need to list Col C with the List of numbers 4000 to 4130 in "MONDAY" and Col E
with the second numbers 4100 to 4130 eg
4000 7:00 Time from Col C
4001 7:12 Time from Col C
4002 7:20
4100 8:05 Time from Colc
4100 14:30 Time from Col E
4102 8:10
4102 14:40
This Process will be repeated in "TUESDAY"to "FRIDAY"
Appreciate any help as I'm Hopeless at Macros but trying to learn
Dim ws1 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim ws2 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim ws3 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim ws4 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim ws5 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim ws6 As Worksheet<o></o>
Dim iLastRow As Long<o></o>
Dim iRow As Long<o></o>
Dim iOutRow As Long<o></o>
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("HEADER")<o></o>
Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MONDAY")<o></o>
Set ws3 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TUESDAY")<o></o>
Set ws4 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("WEDNESDAY")<o></o>
Set ws5 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("THURSDAY")<o></o>
Set ws6 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("FRIDAY")<o></o>
iLastRow = ws1.Range("B5").End(xlDown).Row<o></o>
iOutRow = 10<o></o>
For iRow = 5 To iLastRow<o></o>
iOutRow = iOutRow + 1<o></o>
ws1.Cells(iRow, "B").Copy Destination:=ws2.Cells(iOutRow, "A")<o></o>
If ws1.Cells(iRow, "B").Value >= "4100" And ws1.Cells(iRow, "B").Value <= "4130" Then<o></o>
iOutRow = iOutRow + 1<o></o>
ws1.Cells(iRow, "B").Copy Destination:=ws2.Cells(iOutRow, "A")<o></o>
End If<o></o>
Above is part of macro i am using and works fine.
I have on Header sheet a list in ColB from 4000 to 4130
Above macro relists these numbers in Col A in MONDAY with numbers
4100 to 4130 listed twice eg:-
4004 etc
4102 etc
I have in "HEADER" Col C and Col E a list of times corresponding to the the list of numbers 4000 to 4130
I need to list Col C with the List of numbers 4000 to 4130 in "MONDAY" and Col E
with the second numbers 4100 to 4130 eg
4000 7:00 Time from Col C
4001 7:12 Time from Col C
4002 7:20
4100 8:05 Time from Colc
4100 14:30 Time from Col E
4102 8:10
4102 14:40
This Process will be repeated in "TUESDAY"to "FRIDAY"
Appreciate any help as I'm Hopeless at Macros but trying to learn