How do i write the code to tell excel to perform same loop of data on specific sheets?
Mcode would apply to all worksheets. How do i loop this to run on each of the following named sheets? 102,104,114,118,203,204,401,703,802,901,902,903
Range("G26").Formula = "=Sum(G14:G25)"
Range("H26").Formula = "=Sum(H14:H25)"
thanks in advance!
Mcode would apply to all worksheets. How do i loop this to run on each of the following named sheets? 102,104,114,118,203,204,401,703,802,901,902,903
Range("G26").Formula = "=Sum(G14:G25)"
Range("H26").Formula = "=Sum(H14:H25)"
thanks in advance!