need some help on this
in column e a cell will contain either a "P" or "V" if it is a "P" i would like it to take the contents of column a and b in same row as the cell with "P" in it and move the contents of column cells A and B to I and J and continue this moving down a row each time it find cell in column e with a p
comma below is column break
a7 is the date field
2/3/06,8,,P,,,2/3/06,8 problem being this will actually start on I7 and j7
and each time it find a p will be the next line down so when it finds next p it will put that in I8 and J8
Thnaks in advance for any help
in column e a cell will contain either a "P" or "V" if it is a "P" i would like it to take the contents of column a and b in same row as the cell with "P" in it and move the contents of column cells A and B to I and J and continue this moving down a row each time it find cell in column e with a p
comma below is column break
a7 is the date field
2/3/06,8,,P,,,2/3/06,8 problem being this will actually start on I7 and j7
and each time it find a p will be the next line down so when it finds next p it will put that in I8 and J8
Thnaks in advance for any help