Private Function NumToStr(ByVal intNum As Long) As String
Dim strOut As String 'Output string
Dim strTemp As String 'Temporary storage string
Dim iPart As Long 'Length of number in decimal
Dim bHundred As Boolean 'After hundred, need 'and' for tens (one hundred AND twenty one)
Dim bThousand As Boolean 'After thousand, need 'and' for tens (one thousand AND twenty one)
Dim i As Long 'Loop counter
iPart = Len(CStr(intNum))
For i = 1 To iPart
Select Case (iPart - i) Mod 3
'Billions, millions, and thousands
Case 0
If strOut = "" Then strOut = GetUnits((intNum \ (10 ^ (iPart - i))) Mod 10)
If Right$(strOut, 1) <> "," Then
Select Case (iPart - i)
Case 3
bThousand = True
strOut = strOut & " thousand,"
Case 6
strOut = strOut & " million,"
Case 9
strOut = strOut & " billion,"
End Select
End If
bHundred = False
'Tens, but we also use this to do units as well (for numbers like eleven)
Case 1
strTemp = GetTens((intNum \ (10 ^ (iPart - i - 1))) Mod 100)
If (LenB(strTemp) > 0) Then
If bThousand Or bHundred Then
strTemp = " and " & strTemp
strTemp = " " & strTemp
End If
End If
strOut = strOut & strTemp
Case 2
strTemp = GetUnits((intNum \ (10 ^ (iPart - i))) Mod 10)
If LenB(strTemp) > 0 Then
strOut = strOut & " " & strTemp & " hundred"
bHundred = True
End If
End Select
Next i
If Right$(strOut, 1) = "," Then strOut = Left$(strOut, Len(strOut) - 1)
NumToStr = strOut
End Function
Private Function GetTens(ByVal theNum As Long) As String
Select Case theNum
Case Is < 10
GetTens = GetUnits(theNum)
Case 10
GetTens = "ten"
Case 11
GetTens = "eleven"
Case 12
GetTens = "twelve"
Case 13
GetTens = "thirteen"
Case 15
GetTens = "fifteen"
Case 18
GetTens = "eighteen"
Case 14, 16, 17, 19
GetTens = GetUnits(theNum Mod 10) & "teen"
Case 20 To 29
GetTens = "twenty " & GetUnits(theNum Mod 10)
Case 30 To 39
GetTens = "thirty " & GetUnits(theNum Mod 10)
Case 40 To 49
GetTens = "forty " & GetUnits(theNum Mod 10)
Case 50 To 59
GetTens = "fifty " & GetUnits(theNum Mod 10)
Case 80 To 89
GetTens = "eighty " & GetUnits(theNum Mod 10)
Case 60 To 79, 90 To 99
GetTens = GetUnits(theNum \ 10) & "ty " & GetUnits(theNum Mod 10)
End Select
End Function
Private Function GetUnits(ByVal theNum As Long) As String
Select Case theNum
Case 1
GetUnits = "one"
Case 2
GetUnits = "two"
Case 3
GetUnits = "three"
Case 4
GetUnits = "four"
Case 5
GetUnits = "five"
Case 6
GetUnits = "six"
Case 7
GetUnits = "seven"
Case 8
GetUnits = "eight"
Case 9
GetUnits = "nine"
End Select
End Function