Are there any etiquites / preferred formats or any restrictions regarding IF THEN IF THEN formulas.
For example is it better to have:
IF ? then IF ? then ? else ?:
=IF(A1<>"",IF(A1=1,1,"not 1"),"empty cell")
IF ? then ? else IF ? then ? else ?
=IF(NOT(A1<>"","empty cell",IF(A1=1,1,"not 1")
Also, sometimes I get lost in my formulas. Usually any issues I have are because of the incorrect presence or lack of brackets.
Is it better to have ((((())))) or ()()()()() through formulas?
Also are there any tips on how to scan for brackets in their relation to comma's to quickly identify 'sections' of a formula?
Are there any etiquites / preferred formats or any restrictions regarding IF THEN IF THEN formulas.
For example is it better to have:
IF ? then IF ? then ? else ?:
=IF(A1<>"",IF(A1=1,1,"not 1"),"empty cell")
IF ? then ? else IF ? then ? else ?
=IF(NOT(A1<>"","empty cell",IF(A1=1,1,"not 1")
Also, sometimes I get lost in my formulas. Usually any issues I have are because of the incorrect presence or lack of brackets.
Is it better to have ((((())))) or ()()()()() through formulas?
Also are there any tips on how to scan for brackets in their relation to comma's to quickly identify 'sections' of a formula?