For anyone interested, here is some insight into one Excel-inexperienced user of this board.
I'm an extreme beginner and I'm trying to do things for my first (and, so far, only) spreadsheet project that I have no idea about how to do it. I haven't taken any courses or read any books - just tried to figure it out myself. To understand some of these things as they come up would take an enormous amount of time away from my project. (I've been working on this for 1 1/2 years - starting at zero knowledge of Excel - so that my friend can use it.) When I learned of this board I was able to take advantage of your knowledge of things, especially VBA, that took me light years ahead and also beyond what I realized was even possible. (I'm still amazed.) But I learn at least a little (sometimes a lot) while extracting expertise from you experts. When it isn't how to use something, it's at least that it's possible, and that I can go back and study it later. I also archive interesting things for later use. Also what I've learned to do is patch together things that you've made in order to do something else (Someimes it even works!). At other times I spend many hours trying to figure something out on my own.
Yes, I actually feel guilty asking for so much. And I've asked for and received *very* much! But it felt soooo good when I was finally able to help someone else the other week! Much of what I gave her was modified from what you people gave me.
The guilt makes me go to the Microsoft site when I've asked too much here. Although I'd really like to just stay here.
Yes, sometimes I find myself asking before looking in the help or doing a search. But I agree, that's not fair to your time and also it's not helping me for the future. So I try not to do that. Much of what I've been trying to do the last 2 months is so far beyond my knowledge that even some of your answers are impossible for me to understand - but they usually work!
As you amazingly give both your time and expertise, I am doing this project without any compensation for a friend who really deserves the help.
Also, my friend says that "my" spreadsheet software is better than the real commercial program that he has seen. I certainly didn't expect that. (I sent the whole thing to Jay Petrulis for some help. You can ask him.) So I make it with the possibility (probably *very* remote) that if it continues to test out very well, and I finish it soon, then maybe I could get it compiled into a real program that could be marketed. But the most important thing is that my friend can use it to his advantage in his little business.
So here's what I've been doing. I am keeping track of *everyone* who has ever helped me with my spreadsheet. It is because of you people that I have been able to add functionality to make this spreadsheet act as such a good program. Therefore, if I ever get this marketed (anyone can dream) and if it ever makes more money than it takes to have it compiled (If I can afford to have it compiled), I will go back to my list of help-givers and share with them. It is ONLY because of them (you) that I would have been able to make this work as it has! It is what I believe is the right thing to do. That is part of my personal philosophy.
So giving goes to giving...
I also do not blame anyone who would not want to help me because it may seem (and may be true) that I have not tried hard enough to solve the problem myself. It is still hard to believe that you give so much of such good help! (I suppose I should understand a little because my friends have been telling me for years that I need to charge for my free help. On my own time, I give individuals and sometimes businesses free computer hardware and software help. (I'm an IT tech.) But I refuse to charge.)
I see it and I read it from others that most people greatly appreciate your help. I know that I'm not alone in keeping that feeling of appreciation alive each and every time that I receive the benifit of your time and knowledge!
Thank you. Thank you VERY much.
Steve Cole
This message was edited by SteveC on 2002-10-27 14:29