I have been using =IF(ISNUMBER('[11.30.2015 Invoice.xlsx]Table 1'!$A23),'[11.30.2015 Invoice.xlsx]Table 1'!$A23,"") to pull a list of numbers off of a column that contained numbers and text. Now the file is being sent to me with the numbers formatted as text, which threw off the whole thing. I think I need to use INDEX, but am not sure how to pull only the numbers, and not text when I do that. I cannot convert them to number format in the file that is sent to me, because that throws off their formulas, destroying the table that I am working with.
Bonus: If we can solve that issue, can the resulting list be formatted as numbers?
I have been using =IF(ISNUMBER('[11.30.2015 Invoice.xlsx]Table 1'!$A23),'[11.30.2015 Invoice.xlsx]Table 1'!$A23,"") to pull a list of numbers off of a column that contained numbers and text. Now the file is being sent to me with the numbers formatted as text, which threw off the whole thing. I think I need to use INDEX, but am not sure how to pull only the numbers, and not text when I do that. I cannot convert them to number format in the file that is sent to me, because that throws off their formulas, destroying the table that I am working with.
Bonus: If we can solve that issue, can the resulting list be formatted as numbers?