Any idea why the error "Object variable or With block variable not set"? Works fine with a test routine, but not in a sub
Sub testsmallest()
msgbox smallest(0.001, Worksheets("Site1.Frequency.1").Range("C1:C61")).Cells.Offset(0, -1)
End Sub
but not...
Function findNearest(referenceFlow As Double, findInMonth As Worksheet) As Variant
Dim larger, smaller As Range
Dim foundFlows As Variant
'larger = largest(referenceFlow, findInMonth.Range("G1:G17"))
smaller = smallest(referenceFlow, findInMonth.Range("G1:G17"))
Function smallest(ByVal searchValue As Double, searchRange As Range) As Range
Dim searchLocation As Variant
searchLocation = Application.CountIf(searchRange, ">=" & searchValue)
msgbox searchLocation
msgbox searchRange.End(xlDown).Address
msgbox searchRange.End(xlDown).Offset(-searchLocation, 0).Value
If IsError(searchLocation) = False Then
Set smallest = searchRange.End(xlDown).Offset(-searchLocation, 0)
msgbox TypeName(smallest)
msgbox "Error 1 - Data set too small to generate table."
End If
End Function
Sub testsmallest()
msgbox smallest(0.001, Worksheets("Site1.Frequency.1").Range("C1:C61")).Cells.Offset(0, -1)
End Sub
but not...
Function findNearest(referenceFlow As Double, findInMonth As Worksheet) As Variant
Dim larger, smaller As Range
Dim foundFlows As Variant
'larger = largest(referenceFlow, findInMonth.Range("G1:G17"))
smaller = smallest(referenceFlow, findInMonth.Range("G1:G17"))
Function smallest(ByVal searchValue As Double, searchRange As Range) As Range
Dim searchLocation As Variant
searchLocation = Application.CountIf(searchRange, ">=" & searchValue)
msgbox searchLocation
msgbox searchRange.End(xlDown).Address
msgbox searchRange.End(xlDown).Offset(-searchLocation, 0).Value
If IsError(searchLocation) = False Then
Set smallest = searchRange.End(xlDown).Offset(-searchLocation, 0)
msgbox TypeName(smallest)
msgbox "Error 1 - Data set too small to generate table."
End If
End Function