I am using the following function call to pull back information from a database and it keeps giving me an OBDC call fail. This is the first time I had to use an inner join in this format. Normally works all the time for any single table query. Also first time using MAX
Function getMAXPRO(LINE, ITEM) As String
Dim rstRecordset As DAO.Recordset
On Error GoTo errors
'On Error GoTo trap
sqlstatement = _
"SELECT MAX(Table1.DSDEAL) FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 on Table1.STR#=Table2.RSSTR# WHERE LINE='" & LINE & "' AND ITEM='" & ITEM & "' AND RSRGN# not in (1,2)"
Set rstRecordset = db.OpenRecordset(sqlstatement, DAO.dbOpenSnapshot)
'get the data
getMAXPRO = rstRecordset.Fields(0).Value
'close the connections and clean up
Set rstRecordset = Nothing
GoTo noerrors
MsgBox Error
End Function