I need a formula that will return 1 if the criteria is : Even,Odd,Even,Odd,Even,Odd,Even.
If not a blank cell.
Example :
A1:G1 2-5-8-5-6-3-0
H1 will return 1 or Blank.
Thank you.
Function aconcat(a As Variant, Optional sep As String = "") As String
' Harlan Grove, Mar 2002
Dim y As Variant
If TypeOf a Is Range Then
For Each y In a.Cells
aconcat = aconcat & y.Value & sep
Next y
ElseIf IsArray(a) Then
For Each y In a
aconcat = aconcat & y & sep
Next y
aconcat = aconcat & a & sep
End If
aconcat = Left(aconcat, Len(aconcat) - Len(sep))
End Function
Armando, you formula also works good, Thank you for the help.
I should Have had ask this question in the first post but thought about it afterword:
Which formula would do the other way around ?
Example :
If I have : A1:G1 2-5-8-5-6-3-0
The formula will return : EOEOEOE or what ever the number would be.
Hope it's not to late to ask ?
Thank you for helping.