Private myList
Private n As Long
Sub SearchFiles()
ListAllBooks "G:\2007\9-07", "*.xls", "*Payroll*"
MsgBox IIf(n > 0, Join(myList,vbLf), "Not found")
If n > 0 Then OpenFiles
End Sub
Private Sub OpenFiles()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(myList)
End Sub
Private Sub ListAllBooks(myDir As String, myFileName As String, subName As String)
Dim fso As Object, myFile As Object, myFolder As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("FileSystemObject")
For Each myFile In fso.GetFoler(myDir).Files
If myFile.Name Like myFileName Then
n = n + 1 : ReDim Preserve myList(1 To n)
myList(n) = myDir & "\" & myFile.Name
End If
For Each myFolder In fso.GetFoler(myDir).Subfolders
If myFolder.Name Like subName Then
ListAllBooks myDir & "\" & myFolder.Name, myFileName, subName
End If
End Sub