Hi there,
I hope someone will be able to help me.
I have a user form. On the userform I have various options.
Group 1
option for family(optfam) and option for principal(optprin)
Group 2
option for core/saver(optcore) and option for executive(optexe)
What I will need is:
If optfam and optcore = true then
7 other options need to appear. eg
opt1 caption R0 - R1000
opt 2 caption R1001 - R2000 etc
The same needs to happen when should I select
optfam and optexe = true
7 other options need to appear eg,
optcf caption R7000 - R8000
Hope someone can help with this. Everything needs to change on the userform
Thanks in advance
I hope someone will be able to help me.
I have a user form. On the userform I have various options.
Group 1
option for family(optfam) and option for principal(optprin)
Group 2
option for core/saver(optcore) and option for executive(optexe)
What I will need is:
If optfam and optcore = true then
7 other options need to appear. eg
opt1 caption R0 - R1000
opt 2 caption R1001 - R2000 etc
The same needs to happen when should I select
optfam and optexe = true
7 other options need to appear eg,
optcf caption R7000 - R8000
Hope someone can help with this. Everything needs to change on the userform
Thanks in advance