I have a VB routine that worked prior on Windows XP SP3, Oracle 9, & Excel 2003&2007. I have recently upgraded to Windows 7 64-bit, Oracle 11gR2 64-bit, and Office 2010 32-bit (64-bit is having to many problems that my company is holding off on it).
Since upgrading, the routine is failing to connect to an Oracle database even though I've setup a 32-bit ODBC. I'm suspicious if the set statement formats have changed for Oracle 11g, but the routine still compiles without error.
I would appriciate help on figuring out what may be the problem.
Sub Connect_DB()
connect_string = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("config").Range("B2").value
user = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("config").Range("B3").value
user_pass = user & "/" & ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("config").Range("B4").value
MsgBox ("Connecting as " & user)
On Error GoTo SetConnectError
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase(connect_string, user_pass, 0&)
connected_flag = True
MsgBox ("Connected to Database as User " & user)
Exit Sub
On Error GoTo 0
connected_flag = False
MsgBox ("Database connection failed !")
Exit Sub
End Sub
I have a VB routine that worked prior on Windows XP SP3, Oracle 9, & Excel 2003&2007. I have recently upgraded to Windows 7 64-bit, Oracle 11gR2 64-bit, and Office 2010 32-bit (64-bit is having to many problems that my company is holding off on it).
Since upgrading, the routine is failing to connect to an Oracle database even though I've setup a 32-bit ODBC. I'm suspicious if the set statement formats have changed for Oracle 11g, but the routine still compiles without error.
I would appriciate help on figuring out what may be the problem.
Sub Connect_DB()
connect_string = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("config").Range("B2").value
user = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("config").Range("B3").value
user_pass = user & "/" & ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("config").Range("B4").value
MsgBox ("Connecting as " & user)
On Error GoTo SetConnectError
Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase(connect_string, user_pass, 0&)
connected_flag = True
MsgBox ("Connected to Database as User " & user)
Exit Sub
On Error GoTo 0
connected_flag = False
MsgBox ("Database connection failed !")
Exit Sub
End Sub