My code below works fine..
1. I have a wb [book1.xls] with a table containig 6 columns
2. I open a new wb and add lookup values to column A
3. Then my macro procedure runs vlookup function through all values in Col A and returns only the values.
I need more than one variable to my Vlookup Function.
I tried to add another variable for worksheet name and i had no success..
Can someone try adding a variable to my function and running it correctly?
1. I have a wb [book1.xls] with a table containig 6 columns
2. I open a new wb and add lookup values to column A
3. Then my macro procedure runs vlookup function through all values in Col A and returns only the values.
I need more than one variable to my Vlookup Function.
I tried to add another variable for worksheet name and i had no success..
Can someone try adding a variable to my function and running it correctly?
Sub Working()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lastCol As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
On Error Resume Next 'trap for data in "iv"
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With ws
lastCol = Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Column
lastRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
'Determine VlookupColumn Based on Source Sheet Name
Select Case .Name
Case "Sheet1":
ReturnColmn = 2
Case "Sheet2":
ReturnColmn = 3
Case "Sheet3":
ReturnColmn = 4
Case Else:
ReturnColmn = 2
End Select
' Call Vlookup with Variables
For rw = 1 To lastRow
LookUpValue = .Cells(rw, 1).Value
.Cells(rw, lastCol + 1).Value = GetValue(LookUpValue, ReturnColmn)
Next rw
End With
Next ws
End Sub
Public Function GetValue(LookUpValue, ReturnColmn)
result = ExecuteExcel4Macro("VLOOKUP(""" & LookUpValue & """,[Book1.xls]Sheet2!C1:C6,""" & ReturnColmn & """,FALSE)")
If IsError(result) Then
GetValue = LookUpValue
GetValue = result
End If
End Function