I am problems writing a VB script in Excel 2003 to read through the individual cells in an range, extract the text using offset and write the same text to another textfile (this is a precursor to wrting a macro to reformat the text for another application).
What I have is spreadsheet that contained a named range called "TestMethods" and is 14 rows by 8 columns. I can successufully count the number of rows to create a For ... Next loop to go through the 14 rows, but currently it's just writing blanks.
this is what the code looks like:
I am problems writing a VB script in Excel 2003 to read through the individual cells in an range, extract the text using offset and write the same text to another textfile (this is a precursor to wrting a macro to reformat the text for another application).
What I have is spreadsheet that contained a named range called "TestMethods" and is 14 rows by 8 columns. I can successufully count the number of rows to create a For ... Next loop to go through the 14 rows, but currently it's just writing blanks.
this is what the code looks like:
Sub OpenTxtfile()
Dim oFile As Integer, NoofMethods As Integer, Rw As Integer
Dim ObjDefnTable
Set ObjDefnTable = Worksheets("Mapping").Range("TestMethods")
oFile = FreeFile()
Open "C:\Backup\ShopITv60.sdt" For Output As oFile
' Determine no of rows to read through (incl hdr row for now)
NoofMethods = ObjDefnTable.Rows.Count
For Rw = 2 To NoofMethods Step 1
Close #oFile
End Sub
Any advice will be much appreciated.Dim oFile As Integer, NoofMethods As Integer, Rw As Integer
Dim ObjDefnTable
Set ObjDefnTable = Worksheets("Mapping").Range("TestMethods")
oFile = FreeFile()
Open "C:\Backup\ShopITv60.sdt" For Output As oFile
' Determine no of rows to read through (incl hdr row for now)
NoofMethods = ObjDefnTable.Rows.Count
For Rw = 2 To NoofMethods Step 1
Print #oFile, "Test Method Row " & Rw & ObjDefnTable.Offset(Rw, 2).Text
Next Rw
Close #oFile
End Sub