Hi everyone!
I'm working with a subroutine that creates a new workbook. This workbook is a report that I want to customize by adding a combo box with an event 'OnChange' associated.
In order to add the event procedure from my subroutine to the new workbook, I use the VBIDE object model and, in special, the following code:
Problem: if the users doesn't fire the event procedure changing the combo value and then closes this file -saving or not changes, however- when they want to open it back, the event procedure will not work: the code was not saved although I used the .SaveAs method in the subroutine that generates the new workbook.
It seems that it's not enough to save as .xlsm and use the right constant for the FileFormat argument; you must fire the event (!!).
Thank you in advance!
I'm working with a subroutine that creates a new workbook. This workbook is a report that I want to customize by adding a combo box with an event 'OnChange' associated.
In order to add the event procedure from my subroutine to the new workbook, I use the VBIDE object model and, in special, the following code:
Sub Process()
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Dim wbkReport As Workbook
Dim vbpProject As Object
Dim vbcComponent As Object
Dim codModule As Object
Dim lngLine As Long
Set wbkReport = ActiveWorkbook
With wbkReport.Worksheets(1)
.OLEObjects.Add "Forms.ComboBox.1" 'Add a combo box
.OLEObjects(1).Name = "cbxMonth" 'Its inner name
.Range("A5").Value = "January"
.Range("A6").Value = "February"
.OLEObjects(1).ListFillRange = .Name & "!A5:A6" 'Data source
End With
'Now, let's create the event procedure for this combo box
Set vbpProject = wbkReport.VBProject
Set vbcComponent = vbpProject.VBComponents(wbkReport.Worksheets(1).CodeName)
Set codModule = vbcComponent.CodeModule
lngLine = codModule.CreateEventProc("Change", "cbxMonth") 'On change event
codModule.InsertLines lngLine + 1, " VBA.Msgbox ""You choose "" & cbxMonth.Value"
'Finally, save the changes
wbkReport.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Report.xlsm", xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
GoTo Final
Exit Sub
VBA.MsgBox "An error has ocurred"
Set wbkReport = Nothing
Set codModule = Nothing
Set vbcComponent = Nothing
Set vbpProject = Nothing
End Sub
Problem: if the users doesn't fire the event procedure changing the combo value and then closes this file -saving or not changes, however- when they want to open it back, the event procedure will not work: the code was not saved although I used the .SaveAs method in the subroutine that generates the new workbook.
It seems that it's not enough to save as .xlsm and use the right constant for the FileFormat argument; you must fire the event (!!).
Thank you in advance!