I am finding it difficult to come up with a solution in a query.
Currently there is a field called VolNames (Volunteer Names) and in the records 2 people will be listed and the & symbol separates there names, I have been asked to see if come up with a solution where the volunteers can be listed, so I am looking for a way to extract the Name before the & symbol and also the name after the & symbol.
Example would be:
Alan Jones & Bill Smith
Sarah White & Helen Jackson
Is there a function to come up with Alan Jones (to the left of the &) in one expression and Bill Smith (to the right of the &) in another, I can then run some append queries to place them in a table which lists them in One Field as individual records.
Currently there is a field called VolNames (Volunteer Names) and in the records 2 people will be listed and the & symbol separates there names, I have been asked to see if come up with a solution where the volunteers can be listed, so I am looking for a way to extract the Name before the & symbol and also the name after the & symbol.
Example would be:
Alan Jones & Bill Smith
Sarah White & Helen Jackson
Is there a function to come up with Alan Jones (to the left of the &) in one expression and Bill Smith (to the right of the &) in another, I can then run some append queries to place them in a table which lists them in One Field as individual records.