I have a table in two worksheets(sheet1 and sheet2) in the same workbook. On sheet1, column A holds the data for the range_to_match for SUMIF ;Column B has the second criteria needed and Column C holds the values for the Sum_range. On the second sheet "sheet2", Column B has the data for first criteria which is to be compared with the range_to_match in Column A of sheet1. Column D of sheet2 is where the result is to be output. The data is very huge (10,000 rows). I want a SUMIF or conditional summation formula that can handle multiple criteria such that it takes the first criteria from column B of sheet2 and compares with the range_to_match in coulumn A of sheet1 as well as add the second criteria in column B of sheet1 and then sum all the corresponding values in column C of sheet1 onto column D in sheet2. I need suggestions. If a macro will do I will appreciate it.