remove " and concatenate on cell colour and run RS232IP2


New Member
Aug 26, 2010
This is a tricky one to try explain, but here we go...

Usefully background info:
Following on from this post:

My sheets have become much more complex and repetitive than I ever expected.

What I would like to do is:
Copy the data from between the "" in column A (Column F shows example results)
Take the data from the BLUE cell in column A and add it to the cells below it (Column G shows example results) Then at the next BLUE cell start the cycle again.

There are some GREY cells. These are not implemented so they can be ignored but it is OK if they are processed.

I need this to repeat down the entire column.

Then if possible (This is not required as I can run a separate command manually) I would like to run the RS232IP2 script in column H.

Thanks in advance.

Excel Workbook
1"RES" - Monitor Out ResolutionRES
2"00"sets ThroughYesYes00!1RES0049 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 52 45 53 30 30
3"01"sets Auto(HDMI Output Only)YesYes01!1RES0149 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 52 45 53 30 31
4"02"sets 480pYesYes02!1RES0249 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 52 45 53 30 32
5"03"sets 720pYesYes03!1RES0349 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 52 45 53 30 33
6"UP"sets Monitor Out Resolution Wrap-Around UpYesYesUP!1RESUP49 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 52 45 53 55 50
7"QSTN"gets The Monitor Out ResolutionYesYesQSTN!1RESQSTN49 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 0A 01 00 00 00 21 31 52 45 53 51 53 54 4E
8"ISF" - ISF ModeISF
9"00"sets ISF Mode CustomNoNo00!1ISF0049 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 49 53 46 30 30
10"01"sets ISF Mode DayNoNo01!1ISF0149 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 49 53 46 30 31
11"VWM" - Video Wide ModeVWM
12"00"sets AutoYesYes00!1VWM0049 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 56 57 4D 30 30
13"01"sets 4:3YesYes01!1VWM0149 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 56 57 4D 30 31
14"05"sets Smart ZoomNoNo05!1VWM0549 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 56 57 4D 30 35
15"UP"sets Video Zoom Mode Wrap-Around UpYesYesUP!1VWMUP49 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 56 57 4D 55 50
16"QSTN"gets Video Zoom ModeYesYesQSTN!1VWMQSTN49 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 0A 01 00 00 00 21 31 56 57 4D 51 53 54 4E
17"VPM" -Video Picture ModeVPM
18"00"sets ThroughYesYes00!1VPM0049 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 56 50 4D 30 30
19"01"sets CustomYesYes01!1VPM0149 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 56 50 4D 30 31
20"02"sets CinemaYesYes02!1VPM0249 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 56 50 4D 30 32

Here is the code for RS232IP2

Function RS232IP2(s As String, Optional delim As String = " ") As String ' The usage would be RS232IP2(cell to change, OPTIONAL delimiter as cell referance)

Dim byt() As Byte
Dim j As Long
Const HEADER As String = "49 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 ## 01 00 00 00" ' This is the HEADDER. ## is the section where LEN calculated and is placed

RS232IP2 = Replace(Replace(HEADER, "##", Right("0" & Hex(Len(s) + 1), 2)), " ", delim)
byt = StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode)
For j = 0 To Len(s) - 1
    RS232IP2 = RS232IP2 & delim & Hex(byt(j))
Next j
End Function

' Thank you to PGC01 and sandeep.warrier from the MREXCEL forums for providing this script.

' Original code before I messed with it :)

' Function RS232IP(s As String, HEADER As String, Optional delim As String = " ") As String
'    Dim j As Long
'    RS232IP = Replace(Replace(HEADER, "##", Right("0" & Hex(Len(s) + 1), 2)), " ", delim)
'    For j = 1 To Len(s)
'        RS232IP = RS232IP & delim & Hex(Asc(Mid(s, j, 1)))
'    Next j
'End Function
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Excel Facts

Last used cell?
Press Ctrl+End to move to what Excel thinks is the last used cell.
You can do that with formulas, if you can have an extra helper column, and you don't mind using an old Excel 4 Macro function inside a defined name. Would that be OK?
Upvote 0
Not sure if this is any use to you but from what I can see of your data here is a simpler formula for F1 copied down and then this G2 formula copied down should work for all rows rather than manually changing it for each section as you appear to have done.

Excel Workbook
1"RES" - Monitor Out ResolutionRES
2"00"sets Through00!1RES00
3"01"sets Auto(HDMI Output Only)01!1RES01
4"02"sets 480p02!1RES02
5"03"sets 720p03!1RES03
6"UP"sets Monitor Out Resolution Wrap-Around UpUP!1RESUP
7"QSTN"gets The Monitor Out ResolutionQSTN!1RESQSTN
8"ISF" - ISF ModeISF
9"00"sets ISF Mode Custom00!1ISF00
10"01"sets ISF Mode Day01!1ISF01
11"VWM" - Video Wide ModeVWM
12"00"sets Auto00!1VWM00
13"01"sets 4:301!1VWM01
14"05"sets Smart Zoom05!1VWM05
15"UP"sets Video Zoom Mode Wrap-Around UpUP!1VWMUP
16"QSTN"gets Video Zoom ModeQSTN!1VWMQSTN
17"VPM" -Video Picture ModeVPM
18"00"sets Through00!1VPM00
19"01"sets Custom01!1VPM01
20"02"sets Cinema02!1VPM02
Upvote 0
VBA solution:
Rich (BB code):

Sub CreateRS232IP()
  Const PREFIX$ = "!1" ' prefix
  Const QT$ = """"     ' quote
  Dim Rng As Range, a(), b(), i&, ii&, r&, hdr$, v$
  ' Set input data range Rng
  With ActiveSheet
    If .FilterMode Then .ShowAllData
    Set Rng = .Range("A1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
  End With
  ' Copy input data into a()
  a = Rng.Value
  ' Prepare output array
  ReDim b(1 To UBound(a), 1 To 3)
  ' Do main processing
  For r = 1 To UBound(a)
    v = Trim(a(r, 1))
    If Right(v, 1) = QT Then
      ' It's not header - delete quotes, populate b()
      v = Mid(v, 2, Len(v) - 2)
      b(r, 1) = "'" & v
      v = PREFIX & hdr & v
      b(r, 2) = v
      b(r, 3) = RS232IP2(v)
      ' Header found - extract header hdr and put it into b()
      i = InStr(v, QT)
      ii = InStr(i + 2, v, QT)
      If ii Then
        hdr = Mid(v, i + 1, ii - i - 1)
        b(r, 1) = hdr
      End If
    End If
  ' Copy b() to the destination range
  Rng.Columns("F").Resize(, 3).Value = b()
End Sub

' Modified code of PGC01 and Sandeep.Warrier
' The usage would be RS232IP2(cell to change, OPTIONAL delimiter as cell referance)
Function RS232IP2(s As String, Optional delim As String = " ") As String
  Dim byt() As Byte
  Dim j As Long
  Const HEADER As String = "49 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 ## 01 00 00 00"  ' This is the HEADDER. ## is the section where LEN calculated and is placed
  RS232IP2 = Replace(Replace(HEADER, "##", Right("0" & Hex(Len(s) + 1), 2)), " ", delim)
  byt = StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode)
  For j = 0 To Len(s) - 1
    RS232IP2 = RS232IP2 & delim & Hex(byt(j))
  Next j
End Function

Triggering code of Sheet1:
Rich (BB code):

' Put this code into Sheet1 module
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
  If Intersect(Target, Range("A:B")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
  Call CreateRS232IP
End Sub
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Upvote 0

That worked great. Can you please explain how they work?

I did however find two small issues that im not sure if they can be fixed.

The issues are with the data I provided. As my sheets get bigger it would appear that different people are creating them. Sorry I just noticed them while trying these solutions.

Here are some new samples.
If then issues cannot be overcome I am happy to edit the fields manually.

Excel Workbook
85"SRC" - Search Command
Command & Message
Excel Workbook
130"PGR" - Progressive Command
131(No Parameter)
Command & Message
Excel Workbook
194"?ST" - Status requesting Command
195* Please also see "Feedback List" below for reply message
Command & Message
Excel Workbook
423"SL2" - Line21_SW2 Status notice(without ATS_AOB)
424"00"Line21 data for field 2 is memorized.
425"01"Line21 data for field 2 is not memorized.
Command & Message

I could not work out how to make your code function.

I put the first bit of code here:
VBA Project (file name)

Module 1 is RS232IP2

And I put the second bit in:
VBA Project (file name)
Microsoft Excel Objects

I also tried here (as this is the page the data is on):
VBA Project (file name)
Microsoft Excel Objects

But I could not work out how to trigger it.

Can you please explain how to run it?

Upvote 0
Here are some new samples.
If then issues cannot be overcome I am happy to edit the fields manually.
Perhaps you could explain just what the 'issues' are and/or make up a small data set that includes these examples - together with the expected results?
Upvote 0
Hi Daniel,

You wrote:
I put the first bit of code here:
VBA Project (file name)

It’s ok and enough for manual running of CreateRS232IP macro.
Delete data from F:H columns and run CreateRS232IP – it will auto-populate F:H columns.
All calculations are made in macro with storing the resulting values in array b().
Finally values of b() are copied out to F:H columns.

And I put the second bit in:
VBA Project (file name)
Microsoft Excel Objects

I also tried here (as this is the page the data is on):
VBA Project (file name)
Microsoft Excel Objects

But I could not work out how to trigger it.

Can you please explain how to run it?

The triggering code should be copied into VBA- module of the sheet where the data are stored.
I was guessing that it’s Sheet1 as it is shown in your post #1 above the layout table.
For the general case follow the instruction below:
- Copy the triggering code to the clipboard
- Do right click on sheet name tab
- Choose “Source Code”, VBE window of the sheet module will appear
- Paste the code
- Press Alt-Q to close VBE
- Try to change value in cells of A:B columns to see the corresponding results in F:H columns.

This version of code will trigger CreateRS232IP macro at changing of A:H cells:
Rich (BB code):

' Put this code into sheet module
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
  If Intersect(Target, Range("A:H")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
  On Error Resume Next
  Application.EnableEvents = False
  Call CreateRS232IP
  Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

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Upvote 0
Opps. Sorry. Serves me right for posting while tired.

Ok, here is some more data and the errors. I can send you a copy of the sheets if that helps.

1. I do not always have F and G available. This should be an easy fix to the formula if I could understand how it works.

2. I have found that sometimes (this is new in my latest sheet) there are blank cells under the blue cell.
The below example should resolve to be !1RTP
Excel Workbook
85"RPT" - Repeat Function CommandRPT 
86Toggle Repeat Function on/offYesYesYes#VALUE!#VALUE!
Command & Message
3. Sometimes (this is also new in my latest sheet) there is (no parameter) under the blue cell. but then there is data after that.
The below example should resolve to be:
Excel Workbook
128"PGR" - Progressive CommandPGR 
129(No Parameter)NoNoNo#VALUE! 
130"DN"Progressive On/Off ToggleNoNoNoDN#VALUE!
131"00"Progressive OffNoNoNo00#VALUE!
13201Progressive OnNoNoNo#VALUE!#VALUE!
Command & Message
4. Sometimes (this is also new in my latest sheet) there is a comment under the blue cell. but then there is data after that.
The below example should resolve to be:

Excel Workbook
192"?ST" - Status requesting Command?ST 
193* Please also see "Feedback List" below for reply messagePlease also see 
194"ST"Notify Action StatusYesYesYesST!1 Please also see ST
195"DS"Notify current disc statusYesYesYesDS!1 Please also see DS
196"MS"Notify Dimmer Function statusYesYesYesMS!1 Please also see MS
197"FS"Notify Sampling Rate StatusNoNoNoFS!1 Please also see FS
198"PS"Notify Progressive statusNoNoNoPS!1 Please also see PS
199"AS"Notify Aspect Ratio StatusYesYesYesAS!1 Please also see AS
200"CD"Notify Current Disc statusNoNoNoCD!1 Please also see CD
201"SA"Notify SACD Disc statusNoNoNoSA!1 Please also see SA
202"VS"Notify Video Out statusNoNoNoVS!1 Please also see VS
203"IS"Notify i.LINK Out statusNoNoNoIS!1 Please also see IS
204"RS"Notify Resolution Setup StatusYesYesYesRS!1 Please also see RS
205"MA"Notify HDMI Audio Setup Setup StatusYesYesYesMA!1 Please also see MA
Command & Message
5. Sometimes (this is also new in my latest sheet) there is a blank cell between the data lines and then there is data after that.
The below example should resolve to be:

Excel Workbook
421"SL2" - Line21_SW2 Status notice(without ATS_AOB)SL2 
422"00"Line21 data for field 2 is memorized.NoNoNo00!1SL200
423"01"Line21 data for field 2 is not memorized.NoNoNo01!1SL201
Command & Message

Thank you for helping.

I will try your one again and get back to you.

Upvote 0
Hi Vlad,

Ok that worked. Thank you.

This works great!

However as I did not have a complete set of data this code also has some minor issues with the new data.

Where the cell under the blue cell is empty it does not show a result.
So the below result should be (excluding the ","):

Excel Workbook
17"ENT" - Enter CommandENT
19"RET" - Return CommandRET
21"SUP" - Setup CommandSUP
Command & Message
This example is adding the commented cell below the blue cell to the results.

Excel Workbook
192"?ST" - Status requesting Command?ST
193* Please also see "Feedback List" below for reply messageFeedback List
194"ST"Notify Action StatusYesYesYesST!1Feedback ListST49 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 12 01 00 00 00 21 31 46 65 65 64 62 61 63 6B 20 4C 69 73 74 53 54
195"DS"Notify current disc statusYesYesYesDS!1Feedback ListDS49 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 12 01 00 00 00 21 31 46 65 65 64 62 61 63 6B 20 4C 69 73 74 44 53
196"MS"Notify Dimmer Function statusYesYesYesMS!1Feedback ListMS49 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 12 01 00 00 00 21 31 46 65 65 64 62 61 63 6B 20 4C 69 73 74 4D 53
Command & Message
These two worked correctly.
Excel Workbook
375"SDC" - DVD Classification Status noticeSDC
376"00"Unknown/otherNoNoNo00!1SDC0049 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 53 44 43 30 30
377"01"DVD-VIDEONoNoNo01!1SDC0149 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 53 44 43 30 31
378"02"DVD-AUDIO(ATS_AOB)NoNoNo02!1SDC0249 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 53 44 43 30 32
379"03"DVD-AUDIO(ATS_VOB)NoNoNo03!1SDC0349 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 53 44 43 30 33
380"04"DVD-AUDIO(ATS_AMGM_VOB)NoNoNo04!1SDC0449 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 53 44 43 30 34
381"05"DVD-VRNoNoNo05!1SDC0549 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 53 44 43 30 35
383"FF"Unknown/otherNoNoNoFF!1SDCFF49 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 53 44 43 46 46
Command & Message
Excel Workbook
128"PGR" - Progressive CommandPGR
129(No Parameter)NoNoNo
130"DN"Progressive On/Off ToggleNoNoNoDN!1PGRDN49 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 50 47 52 44 4E
131"00"Progressive OffNoNoNo00!1PGR0049 53 43 50 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 21 31 50 47 52 30 30
13201Progressive OnNoNoNo
Command & Message

How do I change the output cells?
Some times I need the info in CD:CF and other times in F:H. I am hapy to change the VB Script as needed.

Thanks again.
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