Runtime error '9':Subscript out of range


New Member
May 4, 2010
Hi all

i have created a userform where the data is exported to a database and i am getting the above error everytime a log is entered. Can anyone please help me with it?

Option Explicit
Dim strWorkitem As String
Dim StartTime As Date
Dim Endtime As Date
Dim TimeDiff As Integer
Dim blnDuplicate As Boolean
Dim dTime As Date
Public StartTimer As Long
Dim dHeight As Double
Private Sub butNotes_Click()
    Dim strComments As String
    Dim strExistingString As String
    strExistingString = Worksheets("Data").Range("l2")
    strComments = InputBox("Please enter comments", "Comments", strExistingString)
    Me.lblNotes.Caption = strComments
End Sub
Private Sub butWitem_Click()
    Call LockFieldsOne
    Call ReplaceMonth
    Me.txtWorkitem.Value = strWorkitem
    Me.txtStartTime.Value = time
End Sub
Private Sub cboActivity_Change()
        Me.txtStartTime.Value = time
        Call LockFieldsThree
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
    Me.txtWorkitem.Value = ""
    Me.txtNSM.Value = ""
    Me.cboActivity.Value = ""
    Me.txtStartTime.Value = ""
    Me.txtEndTime.Value = ""
    Me.lblNotes = ""
    Me.optHandoff.Value = ""
    Me.optResolved.Value = ""
    Me.txtWorkitem.Locked = False
    Me.txtNSM.Locked = False
    Me.cboActivity.Locked = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClock_Click()
    Dim StopTime As Date
    StopTime = InputBox("Please enter the stop time", "Stop Time", "")
    Me.txtEndTime.Value = StopTime
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
    Dim LastRow As Object
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim MyID As Integer
    Dim wb As Workbook
    If txtStartTime.Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Please enter Start Time."
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf txtEndTime.Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Please enter End Time."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="J:\Test.xls")
    Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Data")
    Set LastRow = ws.Range("a65536").End(xlUp)
    LastRow.Offset(1, 0).Value = Me.txtStaffID.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 1).Value = Me.txtStaffName.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 2).Value = Me.txtDate.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 3).Value = Me.txtPCNumber.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 4).Value = Me.txtWorkitem.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 5).Value = Me.txtNSM.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 6).Value = Me.cboActivity.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 7).Value = Me.txtStartTime.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 8).Value = Me.txtEndTime.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 9).Value = Me.txtEntryRef.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 10).Value = Me.txtEntryDate.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 11).Value = Me.lblNotes.Caption
    LastRow.Offset(1, 12).Value = Me.optResolved.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 13).Value = Me.optHandoff.Value
    Call ExportData
    Call SaveData
    Call ADOFromExcelToAccess
    Call BackupData
    Me.txtWorkitem.Value = ""
    Me.txtNSM.Value = ""
    Me.cboActivity.Value = ""
    Me.txtStartTime.Value = ""
    Me.txtEndTime.Value = ""
    Me.lblNotes = ""
    Me.optHandoff.Value = ""
    Me.optResolved.Value = ""
    Me.txtWorkitem.Locked = False
    Me.txtNSM.Locked = False
    Me.cboActivity.Locked = False
    MsgBox "Log Updated"
End Sub

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
    If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
        Me.height = Me.height * 0.1
    Me.height = dHeight
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtDate_Change()
    Dim LDate As String
    LDate = Date
End Sub
Private Sub txtEndTime_Change()
    Me.txtEndTime.Value = Format(Me.txtEndTime, "hh:mm")
End Sub

Private Sub txtEntryDate_Change()
    Dim LDate As String
    LDate = Date
End Sub
Private Sub txtNSM_Change()
        Me.txtStartTime.Value = time
        Call LockFieldsTwo
End Sub
Sub LockFieldsOne()
    If Me.txtWorkitem.Value <> "" Then
        Me.txtNSM.Locked = True
        Me.cboActivity.Locked = True
    End If
End Sub
Sub LockFieldsTwo()
        If Me.txtNSM.Value <> "" Then
        Me.txtWorkitem.Locked = True
        Me.cboActivity.Locked = True
    End If
End Sub
Sub LockFieldsThree()
    If Me.cboActivity.Value <> "" Then
        Me.txtWorkitem.Locked = True
        Me.txtNSM.Locked = True
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtStaffID_Change()
    Dim FindString As String
    Dim Rng As Range
    FindString = Me.txtStaffID.Value
    If Trim(FindString) <> "" Then
        With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("StaffData").Range("A:A")
            Set Rng = .Find(What:=FindString, _
                            After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
                            LookIn:=xlValues, _
                            LookAt:=xlWhole, _
                            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                            SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
            If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
            Me.txtStaffName.Value = Rng.Offset(0, 1) & " " & Rng.Offset(0, 2)
            End If
        End With
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtStartTime_Change()
    Dim LTime As Integer
    LTime = time
    Me.txtStartTime.Value = Format(Me.txtStartTime, "hh:mm")
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Me.txtStaffID.Value = Environ("username")
Me.txtDate.Value = Date
Me.txtDate.Value = Format(Me.txtDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
Me.txtPCNumber.Value = Environ("computername")
Me.txtEntryDate.Value = Format(Me.txtDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
Me.txtEntryRef.Value = Environ("username")
dHeight = Me.height
Me.lblTotalMinutes.Caption = Worksheets("Data").Range("p2")
Me.lblWorkitems.Caption = Worksheets("Data").Range("q2")
    With cboActivity
        .AddItem "Acting Manager"
        .AddItem "Approval"
        .AddItem "Authorising Complaint Reopening"
        .AddItem "Batch 5 Day Letters"
        .AddItem "Bulk Mailing"
        .AddItem "Coaching"
        .AddItem "Colleague calls/work"
        .AddItem "Cover (Phones/Identify etc)"
        .AddItem "eGain"
        .AddItem "Holiday"
        .AddItem "Identify"
        .AddItem "Liasing with Third Party"
        .AddItem "Manager Calls"
        .AddItem "Manager Reporting"
        .AddItem "Meeting/1:1"
        .AddItem "Operations"
        .AddItem "Out Of Office"
        .AddItem "Post / Bulk Contract Notes"
        .AddItem "Premium Service Monitoring"
        .AddItem "Project Work"
        .AddItem "Sickness"
        .AddItem "System Down"
        .AddItem "Team Voicemail / Mailbox"
        .AddItem "Testing"
        .AddItem "Training Course"
        .AddItem "Triage"
        .AddItem "Workitem"
    End With
End Sub
Sub ReplaceMonth()
    Dim strMonth As String
    Dim strMonthNum As String
    Dim intLength As Integer
    strWorkitem = Me.txtWorkitem.Value
    intLength = Len(strWorkitem)
    If intLength >= 14 Then
        strMonth = UCase(Mid(strWorkitem, 11, 3))
        Select Case strMonth
            Case "JAN"
                strMonthNum = "01"
            Case "FEB"
                strMonthNum = "02"
            Case "MAR"
                strMonthNum = "03"
            Case "APR"
                strMonthNum = "04"
            Case "MAY"
                strMonthNum = "05"
            Case "JUN"
                strMonthNum = "06"
            Case "JUL"
                strMonthNum = "07"
            Case "AUG"
                strMonthNum = "08"
            Case "SEP"
                strMonthNum = "09"
            Case "OCT"
                strMonthNum = "10"
            Case "NOV"
                strMonthNum = "11"
            Case "DEC"
                strMonthNum = "12"
            Case Else
                strMonthNum = strMonth
            End Select
    End If
    strWorkitem = Trim(WorksheetFunction.Substitute(strWorkitem, strMonth, strMonthNum))
    intLength = Len(strWorkitem)
End Sub
Sub SaveData()
    Dim LastRow As Object
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = Worksheets("Data")
    Set LastRow = ws.Range("a65536").End(xlUp)
    LastRow.Offset(1, 0).Value = Me.txtStaffID.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 1).Value = Me.txtStaffName.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 2).Value = Me.txtDate.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 3).Value = Me.txtPCNumber.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 4).Value = Me.txtWorkitem.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 5).Value = Me.txtNSM.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 6).Value = Me.cboActivity.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 7).Value = Me.txtStartTime.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 8).Value = Me.txtEndTime.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 9).Value = Me.txtEntryRef.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 10).Value = Me.txtEntryDate.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 11).Value = Me.lblNotes.Caption
    LastRow.Offset(1, 12).Value = Me.optResolved.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 13).Value = Me.optHandoff.Value
    Me.lblTotalMinutes.Caption = Worksheets("Data").Range("p2")
    Me.lblWorkitems.Caption = Worksheets("Data").Range("q2")
End Sub
Sub BackupData()
    Dim LastRow As Object
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim MyID As Integer
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="L:\ISC_Customer Relations\Team Folder\MI\Data.xls")
    Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Data")
    Set LastRow = ws.Range("a65536").End(xlUp)
    LastRow.Offset(1, 0).Value = Me.txtStaffID.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 1).Value = Me.txtStaffName.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 2).Value = Me.txtDate.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 3).Value = Me.txtPCNumber.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 4).Value = Me.txtWorkitem.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 5).Value = Me.txtNSM.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 6).Value = Me.cboActivity.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 7).Value = Me.txtStartTime.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 8).Value = Me.txtEndTime.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 9).Value = Me.txtEntryRef.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 10).Value = Me.txtEntryDate.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 11).Value = Me.lblNotes.Caption
    LastRow.Offset(1, 12).Value = Me.optResolved.Value
    LastRow.Offset(1, 13).Value = Me.optHandoff.Value
End Sub
Private Sub Userform_Activate()
    'Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("02:00:00"), "CloseForm"
End Sub
Sub ExportData()
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("A2") = Me.txtStaffID.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("B2") = Me.txtStaffName.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("C2") = Me.txtDate.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("D2") = Me.txtPCNumber.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("E2") = Me.txtWorkitem.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("F2") = Me.txtNSM.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("G2") = Me.cboActivity.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("H2") = Me.txtStartTime.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("I2") = Me.txtEndTime.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("J2") = Me.txtEntryRef.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("K2") = Me.txtEntryDate.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("L2") = Me.lblNotes.Caption
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("M2") = Me.optResolved.Value
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ExportData").Range("N2") = Me.optHandoff.Value
End Sub
Did the code used to work and has now stopped working, or has it never worked?

Insert this code immediately after your cn.Open command:-
  If cn.State <> 1 Then
    MsgBox "Connection failed"
    Exit Sub
  End If
and try it again. This will tell us whether the connection is failing.
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