A different approach, using time so you can save as often as you like, can be back up as well i guess on command button.
Place this script in a standard module, post if you require more assistance
HTH ......... Jack
(Tested on Win XP PRO and Excel XP Full Retail)
Sub Back_Up()
'From source code on MrExcel and edited by Jack in the UK
'MrExecl 10 Sept 202
UC = Format$(Now, "hh mm ss")
United_Colours_of_BRIXTON = Format$(Now, "d mmmm yyyy")
If MsgBox("Back-Up this Roster", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
ChDir "C:Jacks Back Up"
' You will need to have this DIR edited to your liking!!!
With ActiveSheet
.SaveAs Filename _
:=(Trim(ActiveSheet.Name & _
" " & _
United_Colours_of_BRIXTON & _
" Time " & _
UC & _
End With
End If
End Sub