<ul>[*]PrtScn = Everything that's being displayed on screen(s).[*]Alt+PrtScn = just the active window i.e. if you have multiple application windows displayed on your monitor(s) it will capture only the active application's window.<ul>[*]If you have a UserForm or Dialog Box open, Alt+PrtScn captures just the UF or Dlg.[/list][/list]If you are looking to capture an image of Excel cells and only want to take a snapshot without all of the toolbars, etc., hold down your Shift key and click the Edit menu. The Edit menu will have changed and you'll see an option to Copy Picture... pick that and then if you are going to paste into Paint or some other image editing program pick "bitmap" for the format. If you are going to paste somewhere else in Excel or another office document you can format as "picture".RAM said:What's the difference between Prt Scrn and Alt+Prt Scrn?