Hi, I an looking for assistance for searching a file containing several hundred rows from an excel list...
Basically, I have a list of several hundred items that are referenced by a uniqie serial number (some have two) and I am looking for a way to search this file by searching from another excel list containing multiple reference numbers...
Here is an example of the list and serial number/s:
Is there away to do this so that when it has been searched, it either filters to only the search results or even display the results on a new sheet at all?
If not, can it be done by using access instead?
Any help or directions would be great,
Basically, I have a list of several hundred items that are referenced by a uniqie serial number (some have two) and I am looking for a way to search this file by searching from another excel list containing multiple reference numbers...
Here is an example of the list and serial number/s:
Is there away to do this so that when it has been searched, it either filters to only the search results or even display the results on a new sheet at all?
If not, can it be done by using access instead?
Any help or directions would be great,