I want to search a string for certain keywords and if that search returns a false result i.e. the keyword was not found, then a range of cells are copied and pasted to another sheet.
The data i am using is seperated by "/" e.g.
/vehicle/car/Lexus/suspension/.../... etc
The length of these strings can vary.
I have tried to use;
But this will only work when "directory(x)" is not too large and the string is not too small e.g. selecting directory(5) when the string has only 3 words brings up an error.
Is there any way past this?
Im afraid im new to vba and dont know all the commands.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I want to search a string for certain keywords and if that search returns a false result i.e. the keyword was not found, then a range of cells are copied and pasted to another sheet.
The data i am using is seperated by "/" e.g.
/vehicle/car/Lexus/suspension/.../... etc
The length of these strings can vary.
I have tried to use;
strInput = Selection.Value
directory = Split(strInput, "/")
If (StrComp(directory(3), "Lexus", vbTextCompare) <> 0) then
Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, -3), ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4)).Copy _
Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(a, 1)
a = a + 1
But this will only work when "directory(x)" is not too large and the string is not too small e.g. selecting directory(5) when the string has only 3 words brings up an error.
Is there any way past this?
Im afraid im new to vba and dont know all the commands.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.