I am looking at column 9 ("I") and 16 ("P"). I went to add +1 to the value in column P in case I have either "OGBL", "OGBM" or "OGBL" in the corresponding row in column P. Otherwise I want to keep everything intact. Please note that some values in column I are "#N/A". I wrote the following loop for this, however, it gives me error. Any suggestions regarding this would be appreciated:
Sub hey()
Dim LastRow As Integer
With Workbooks(ReportBook).Sheets(ReportSheet)
LastRow = .Range("g65536").End(xlUp).Row
On Error Resume Next
For n = 2 To LastRow
ticker = Workbooks(ReportBook).Sheets(ReportSheet).Cells(n, 9)
Select Case ticker
Case ticker = "OGBS"
.Cells(n, 16).Value = .Cells(n, 16).Value + 1
Case ticker = "OGBM"
.Cells(n, 16).Value = .Cells(n, 16).Value + 1
Case ticker = "OGBL"
.Cells(n, 16).Value = .Cells(n, 16).Value + 1
End Select
Next n
End With
End Sub