I an trying to flag each pattern generated out of a permutation of (9,3) as valid and invalid and need some guidance. The data and the approach take no far is listed below. Please feel free to email directly to anwer@shahabuddin if the copy and paste below is unreadable or should there be any other question.
thanks & regards,
Col A B C D E F G H I J J L M
Row 1 T1 T2 Tie1 invalid Possible Results of Fixture 1 T1 T2 Tie1 1 < Group
Row 2 T1 T2 T3 invalid Possible Results of Fixture 2 T3 T4 Tie2 2 < Group
Row 3 T1 T3 T5 ok Possible Results of Fixture 3 T5 T6 Tie3 3 < Group
Row 4 T1 T4 T5 ok
Row 594 altogether up to row 504
1. For row place "ok" or "invlid" in Col D
ok - if An, Bn, Can contain only 1 value from eachgroup
invalid - all other patterns
2. Solution is required using formulas not macro
Rows 1 to 504 contain pemutation of (9,3)=9x8x7
Each row contains one patern of results from three fixtures
Each fixture can have three results shown in I3:K3
A valid pattern implies at most one entry from each set of posible results
This is shown as Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 in I1: M3
Approach Look up each A1, B1, C1, try to determine pattern and flag
Was able to look up A1, B1, C1 via Vlookup ad got a concatenatd "111".
Intended to countthe 1's, 2's and 3's and if the freq was > 1, label "invalid"
The difficulty ecountered with Vlookup was that it worked fine till the range
was I1:L1. When extened to I1:L3, it produced #NA.
Thought of trying left lookup but Match seems to require a Column array.
Email: anwer@Shahabuddin.com
Note: I can send the spreadsheet if an email address is provided.
thanks & regards,
Col A B C D E F G H I J J L M
Row 1 T1 T2 Tie1 invalid Possible Results of Fixture 1 T1 T2 Tie1 1 < Group
Row 2 T1 T2 T3 invalid Possible Results of Fixture 2 T3 T4 Tie2 2 < Group
Row 3 T1 T3 T5 ok Possible Results of Fixture 3 T5 T6 Tie3 3 < Group
Row 4 T1 T4 T5 ok
Row 594 altogether up to row 504
1. For row place "ok" or "invlid" in Col D
ok - if An, Bn, Can contain only 1 value from eachgroup
invalid - all other patterns
2. Solution is required using formulas not macro
Rows 1 to 504 contain pemutation of (9,3)=9x8x7
Each row contains one patern of results from three fixtures
Each fixture can have three results shown in I3:K3
A valid pattern implies at most one entry from each set of posible results
This is shown as Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 in I1: M3
Approach Look up each A1, B1, C1, try to determine pattern and flag
Was able to look up A1, B1, C1 via Vlookup ad got a concatenatd "111".
Intended to countthe 1's, 2's and 3's and if the freq was > 1, label "invalid"
The difficulty ecountered with Vlookup was that it worked fine till the range
was I1:L1. When extened to I1:L3, it produced #NA.
Thought of trying left lookup but Match seems to require a Column array.
Email: anwer@Shahabuddin.com
Note: I can send the spreadsheet if an email address is provided.