Hi - welcome to the board.
You can custom format date values as DDMMYYYY to get them displayed as you want, but you can't get away without entering the slashes or an equivalent. Why? 'cos excel needs to know what you are entering is a date, not a number - it's to do with how excel recognises date values (see the help file for 'How excel stores dates & times' for details). Excel stores dates & times as numbers - 1 for 1st Jan , 1900 - 2 for 2nd Jan, 1900 and so on. So if you enter a plain 082002, excel will recognise this as the number 82002, which is the date value for 5th July, 2124. The DDMMYYYY format will display this as 05072124.
It is possible to get round this - a formula approach would put your results in another cell. Format cell A1 as text. With 082002 in A1,
=DATE("20"&RIGHT(A1,2),LEFT(A1,2), MID(A1,3,2))
will give you a date value - format as you like. (Note that I have hard coded the 20 because you only have 2 digit years - you should enter them as YYYY).
To get the results in the same cell, you'll need a VBA solution - have a search here, there's probably one about - post back if you need to .
This message was edited by PaddyD on 2002-08-22 18:53