Welcome bish01,
To write a macro, we need to know more details what you want.
Following code is just sample, so try it and let us have your comment.
'Put this code on ThisWorkbook Module
Private Sub<FONT color=red> Workbook</FONT>_Open()
<FONT color=red>With </FONT>ActiveSheet
<FONT color=red>With </FONT>.[A1:E1]
.Value = Array("Top", "Left", "Width", "Height", "ForeColor")
.Font.Bold =<FONT color=red> True</FONT>
.Offset(1).Value = Array(100, 100, 100, 100, 12)
.AutoFormat Format:=xlRangeAutoFormatLocalFormat4
<FONT color=red>End With</FONT>
<FONT color=red>End With</FONT>
ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines =<FONT color=red> False</FONT>
<FONT color=red>End Sub</FONT>
'Put this code on Sheet Module
<FONT color=red>Private <FONT color=red>Sub </FONT></FONT>Worksheet_Change(<FONT color=red>ByVal</FONT> Target <FONT color=red>As</FONT> Excel.Range)
<FONT color=red>Const </FONT>strShpName <FONT color=red>As</FONT><FONT color=red> String</FONT> = "MyCircle"
<FONT color=red>Dim </FONT>shpCircle <FONT color=red>As</FONT> Shape
<FONT color=red>Dim </FONT>sngX <FONT color=red>As</FONT><FONT color=red> Single</FONT>
<FONT color=red>If </FONT>Target.Count > 1<FONT color=red> Then </FONT><FONT color=red>GoTo</FONT> Terminate
<FONT color=red>If </FONT>Not IsNumeric(Target.Value)<FONT color=red> Then </FONT><FONT color=red>GoTo</FONT> Terminate
sngX = Target.Value
<FONT color=red>On Error</FONT> <FONT color=red>Resume </FONT>Next
<FONT color=red>Set </FONT>shpCircle = ActiveSheet.Shapes(strShpName)
<FONT color=red>If </FONT>shpCircle Is<FONT color=red> Nothing</FONT> Then
<FONT color=red>Set </FONT>shpCircle = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, 50, 50, 50, 50)
shpCircle.Name = strShpName
<FONT color=red>End If</FONT>
<FONT color=red>On Error</FONT> <FONT color=red>GoTo</FONT> 0
<FONT color=red>With </FONT>shpCircle
Select <FONT color=red>Case </FONT>Target.Address(0, 0)
<FONT color=red>Case </FONT>"A2" <FONT color=#339966>'Top
.Top = sngX
<FONT color=red>Case </FONT>"B2" <FONT color=#339966>'Left
.Left = sngX
<FONT color=red>Case </FONT>"C2" <FONT color=#339966>'Width
.Width = sngX
<FONT color=red>Case </FONT>"D2" <FONT color=#339966>'Height
.Height = sngX
<FONT color=red>Case </FONT>"E2" <FONT color=#339966>'ForeColor
<FONT color=red>On Error</FONT> <FONT color=red>Resume </FONT>Next
.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = CLng(sngX)
<FONT color=red>If </FONT>Not Err.Number = 0<FONT color=red> Then </FONT>MsgBox Err.Description
<FONT color=red>End Select</FONT>
<FONT color=red>End With</FONT>
<FONT color=red>Set </FONT>shpCircle =<FONT color=red> Nothing</FONT>
<FONT color=red>End Sub</FONT>