I have a list of voter registration data and am trying to sort it into a "walking list;" i.e., 1 side of the street with ascending numbers and the return side descending numbers so that I can walk 1 side then, without going back to the beginning end, walk the other side back to my car). I will not necessarily be stopping at houses without voters so just walking won't work.
I have done this before (years ago) in Visual dBase but never in Excel. I know it'll work just can't figure out how! I've sorted out street name from house number and can get started that way, but am having nothing but trouble performing the sort!
Any help?
I have done this before (years ago) in Visual dBase but never in Excel. I know it'll work just can't figure out how! I've sorted out street name from house number and can get started that way, but am having nothing but trouble performing the sort!
Any help?