Hi there,
I'm calculating the standard deviation of deceleration of a vehicle every 30 seconds as it travels along. I do this by filtering out cells with positive acceleration. However sometimes no deceleration occurs in that 30 second time period and hence there are no negative values in that range of cells. And vice versa when calculating the standard deviation of acceleration.
To prevent the macro stopping when there are no cells in the range I used "On error resume next" so it will continue and get the standard deviation of the next 30 second block.
However, when no deceleration occurs in a 30 second block, I was expecting excel to return an error in the cell or leave it blank. But instead it returns the standard deviation of the previous 30 seconds which I don;t want it to do.
Why is it doing this? How can I make it leave it blank or return "No values" and continue on? Or even just the error #DIV/0! and continue on?
Thank you
I'm calculating the standard deviation of deceleration of a vehicle every 30 seconds as it travels along. I do this by filtering out cells with positive acceleration. However sometimes no deceleration occurs in that 30 second time period and hence there are no negative values in that range of cells. And vice versa when calculating the standard deviation of acceleration.
To prevent the macro stopping when there are no cells in the range I used "On error resume next" so it will continue and get the standard deviation of the next 30 second block.
However, when no deceleration occurs in a 30 second block, I was expecting excel to return an error in the cell or leave it blank. But instead it returns the standard deviation of the previous 30 seconds which I don;t want it to do.
Why is it doing this? How can I make it leave it blank or return "No values" and continue on? Or even just the error #DIV/0! and continue on?
Thank you
'Standard deviation Acceleration
With ActiveSheet
.AutoFilterMode = False
.Range("a1:j1").AutoFilter field:=7, Criteria1:=">0" 'only display cases of acceleration
End With
StandardDevAcc = Application.StDev(Worksheets("raw").Range(Cells(sp, 7), Cells(ep, 7)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible))
On Error Resume Next
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 16).Value = StandardDevAcc
'Standard deviation Deccceleration
With ActiveSheet
.AutoFilterMode = False
.Range("a1:j1").AutoFilter field:=7, Criteria1:="<0" 'only display cases of deacceleration
End With
StandardDevDeacc = Application.StDev(Worksheets("raw").Range(Cells(sp, 7), Cells(ep, 7)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible))
On Error Resume Next
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 17).Value = StandardDevDeacc