I have a workbook that has stock data gathered from some site its in seconds interval, i want it to be arranged in 5 min intervals, the time format from the data is in hmmss00 as from the file downloaded. From the file,the data is arranged as Date, Name of the stock, ending date(not needed), Time, Price, Volume. how to arrange it so that my data starts from 08:45 ( data gather from 8:45 to 8:49), 08:50, 08:55,.....etc, and the data should be created as in Date(mm/dd), Time(hh:mm), Volume, Open price, High price, low price, close price. (High price of 08:45 is the highest price from 08:45:00 to 08:49:99), etc. if you can, please email me the excel file
This message was edited by ianccy on 2002-08-27 03:09
This message was edited by ianccy on 2002-08-27 03:09