i am importing a workbook and storing each worksheets UsedRange into an public array. but once the code ends, the array contents are lost. i need to make sure the contents donot get lost as these array contents would be used later for some calculations.
what i understand is that a class can be used to store these arrays into it and maintain their state as long as this workbook is open. so the array contents wont get lost.
does anyone know how to write such a class?
In Worksheet button code:
In a Module:
The above code puts the worksheets UsedRange into an array. but the arrays go empty as soon as the ImportWorksheets() procedure ends.
Any ideas how to implement the above code into a class for storing/retrieval of worksheet data?
Any help would be most appreciated.
i am importing a workbook and storing each worksheets UsedRange into an public array. but once the code ends, the array contents are lost. i need to make sure the contents donot get lost as these array contents would be used later for some calculations.
what i understand is that a class can be used to store these arrays into it and maintain their state as long as this workbook is open. so the array contents wont get lost.
does anyone know how to write such a class?
In Worksheet button code:
Public Sub ImportWorksheets()
arrInfo = ImportWorksheetFromExcel(Filename, "WkSheet_Infomation")
End Sub
Public arrInfo() as Variant
Function ImportWorksheetFromExcel(sWorkbookPath As String, Optional sSheetName As String = "") As Variant
'Importing data from a particular sheet in a workbook into an array
On Error Resume Next
'Check if file exists
If Len(Dir$(sWorkbookPath)) > 0 Then
On Error GoTo ErrFailed
Set oWorkbook = Application.Workbooks(wkName)
'Add sheet to store results
If Len(sSheetName) > 0 Then
Set oWkSheet = oWorkbook.Sheets(sSheetName)
'Just use first sheet
Set oWkSheet = oWorkbook.Sheets(1)
End If
'Get used range after resetting UsedRange
Dim a
a = oWkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Call RangeToArray(oWkSheet.UsedRange, avValues)
End If
ImportWorksheetFromExcel = avValues
Exit Function
Debug.Assert False
Debug.Print Err.Description
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function RangeToArray(rngInput As Object, avValues As Variant) As Boolean
'Reads used range values into an array
On Error GoTo ErrFailed
avValues = Empty
avValues = rngInput.Value
RangeToArray = True
Exit Function
Debug.Print "Error in RangeToArray: " & Err.Description
Debug.Assert False
RangeToArray = False
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Any ideas how to implement the above code into a class for storing/retrieval of worksheet data?
Any help would be most appreciated.