I have a massive excel data dump of phone numbers by business. There are three columns in my spreadsheet. Appox 20,000 records. The first is phone number (formatted as a number) and the second column is the business. The third column is day of the month. I need to have a chart that tells me which businesses received more than one call during the time period. I want to break it down to month and then maybe to day if I need to...The problem is that I need to have the columns mutually exclusive...so if someone called in 3 times, they did not also call in four times.
# who called in once # twice # 3x
Client 1 300 200 400
Client 2
Client 3
Client 4
Client 5
Client 6
Client 7
Client 8
# who called in once # twice # 3x
Client 1 300 200 400
Client 2
Client 3
Client 4
Client 5
Client 6
Client 7
Client 8