Userform Change of Currency


New Member
Nov 8, 2024
Office Version
  1. Prefer Not To Say
  1. Windows

I have a userform which when a command button is clicked, it populates a table on a worksheet with the values of text boxes, and combo boxes inputted by the user. I have a finance section which allows the user to input pay per hour - however I need to add an option to select a country of which pay will be issued; options being UK and Australia.

Is there a way that when a certain country is selected, it changes the accounting format on a worksheet to display either £ or $?


Excel Facts

How to show all formulas in Excel?
Press Ctrl+` to show all formulas. Press it again to toggle back to numbers. The grave accent is often under the tilde on US keyboards.

You should be able to do what you want by applying Range.NumberFormat when you post the value to the range.

As you have not shared any of your code this is just a generalisation of how you could achieve this

Assuming that you have two optionbuttons to select the required currency type then something like this may do what you want

VBA Code:
'declare variable and datatype
    Dim PayPerHour As Currency
    'corece text to currency data type
    PayPerHour = CCur(Me.txtPayPerHour.Value)

    'post to range & apply selected numberformat
     With Cells(5, 10)
        .Value = PayPerHour
        .NumberFormat = IIf(Me.OptAUS.Value, "[$$-en-AU]#,##0.00", "$#,##0.00")
    End With

In this example I have used CCur type conversion function to coerce the string expression in the textbox to Currency data type. Do though be aware that if an expression passed to the function is outside the range of the Currency data type, an error occurs - your code will therefore, need to handle user input errors.

Also, to obtain the numberformat strings, I just turned the macro recorder on and formatted the selected cell for each currency type – if examples posted do not do what you want, suggest you do same to obtain correct numberformat string for your system.

Hope Helpful

Upvote 0
Sorry, should have been more specific. I have a Combo Box with UK and AUS as the options (top left in frame 'Country'), I then also have Text Boxes for input of hourly rate, day rate, and salary (middle in frame 'Income') - these are the text boxes where the user inputs a value for currency. Does that help?

Screenshot 2024-11-09 222013.png
Upvote 0
to understand your project forum would need to see the code behind your form or better still, a copy of the workbook with dummy data placed in a file sharing site like dropbox.
Without this, I can only offer suggestion / guesses what might work for you

An update to my first post that uses a combobox to select the country currency

VBA Code:
'declare variable and datatype
    Dim Hourly            As Currency, Daily As Currency, Salary As Currency
    Dim CurrencyFormat    As String

    'corece text to currency data type
    Hourly = CCur(Me.txtHourly.Value)
    Daily = CCur(Me.txtDaily.Value)
    Salary = CCur(Me.txtSalary.Value)
    CurrencyFormat = IIf(Me.txtCountry.Value = "AUS", "[$$-en-AU]#,##0.00", "$#,##0.00")

    'post to range & apply selected numberformat
     With Cells(5, 10)
        .Value = Hourly
        .NumberFormat = CurrencyFormat
    End With
    With Cells(5, 11)
        .Value = Daily
        .NumberFormat = CurrencyFormat
    End With
    With Cells(5, 12)
        .Value = Salary
        .NumberFormat = CurrencyFormat
    End With

You will need to change the control names I have used to those in your userform.

If you need further guidance to include suggestion in to your project then please provide copy of your code / workbook as mentioned above.

Upvote 0
Here is my code.

VBA Code:
'New Record to Table

Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Work")
    Dim last_Row As Long
    last_Row = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(sh.Range("C:C"))
    If Me.cmbCountry.Value = "UK" Then
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Admin").Range("B2").Value = Range("B2") + 1
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Admin").Range("D2").Value = "UK-WREF"
        Me.txtWREF = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Admin").Range("D1").Value
    End If
    If Me.cmbCountry.Value = "AUS" Then
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Admin").Range("B3").Value = Range("B3") + 1
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Admin").Range("D2").Value = "AUS-WREF"
        Me.txtWREF = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Admin").Range("D1").Value
    End If
    sh.Range("C" & last_Row + 1).Value = "=Row()-6"
    sh.Range("D" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtWREF.Value
    sh.Range("E" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.cmbClient.Value
    sh.Range("F" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtSubClient.Value
    sh.Range("G" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.cmbType.Value
    sh.Range("H" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtLocation.Value
    sh.Range("I" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtDateStart.Value
    sh.Range("J" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtDateEnd.Value
    sh.Range("K" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtS1Start.Value
    sh.Range("L" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtS1End.Value
    sh.Range("M" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtS2Start.Value
    sh.Range("O" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtS2End.Value
    sh.Range("O" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtS3Start.Value
    sh.Range("P" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtS3End.Value
    sh.Range("Q" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtQuotedHours.Value
    sh.Range("R" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtActualHours.Value
    sh.Range("S" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtMileage.Value
    sh.Range("T" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtPetrol.Value
    sh.Range("U" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtParking.Value
    sh.Range("V" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtHourly.Value
    sh.Range("W" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtDay.Value
    sh.Range("X" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtSalary.Value
    sh.Range("Y" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtTotal.Value
    sh.Range("Z" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtIID.Value
    sh.Range("AA" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.cmbPAYE.Value
    sh.Range("AB" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.txtNotes.Value
    sh.Range("AC" & last_Row + 1).Value = Now
    sh.Range("AD" & last_Row + 1).Value = Me.cmbCountry.Value
    Me.cmbCountry.Value = ""
    Me.txtWREF.Value = ""
    Me.cmbClient.Value = ""
    Me.txtSubClient.Value = ""
    Me.cmbType.Value = ""
    Me.txtLocation.Value = ""
    Me.txtDateStart.Value = ""
    Me.txtDateEnd.Value = ""
    Me.txtS1Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS1End.Value = ""
    Me.txtS2Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS2End.Value = ""
    Me.txtS3Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS3End.Value = ""
    Me.txtQuotedHours.Value = ""
    Me.txtActualHours.Value = ""
    Me.txtMileage.Value = ""
    Me.txtPetrol.Value = ""
    Me.txtParking.Value = ""
    Me.txtHourly.Value = ""
    Me.txtDay.Value = ""
    Me.txtSalary.Value = ""
    Me.txtTotal.Value = ""
    Me.txtIID.Value = ""
    Me.cmbPAYE.Value = ""
    Me.txtNotes.Value = ""
    Call Refresh_Data
End Sub


Private Sub btnClear_Click()

    Me.txtWID.Value = ""
    Me.cmbCountry.Value = ""
    Me.txtWREF.Value = ""
    Me.cmbClient.Value = ""
    Me.txtSubClient.Value = ""
    Me.cmbType.Value = ""
    Me.txtLocation.Value = ""
    Me.txtDateStart.Value = ""
    Me.txtDateEnd.Value = ""
    Me.txtS1Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS1End.Value = ""
    Me.txtS2Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS2End.Value = ""
    Me.txtS3Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS3End.Value = ""
    Me.txtQuotedHours.Value = ""
    Me.txtActualHours.Value = ""
    Me.txtMileage.Value = ""
    Me.txtPetrol.Value = ""
    Me.txtParking.Value = ""
    Me.txtHourly.Value = ""
    Me.txtDay.Value = ""
    Me.txtSalary.Value = ""
    Me.txtTotal.Value = ""
    Me.txtIID.Value = ""
    Me.cmbPAYE.Value = ""
    Me.txtNotes.Value = ""
End Sub


Private Sub btnDelete_Click()

    If Me.txtWID.Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Select a record to delete"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Work")
    Dim Selected_Row As Long
    Selected_Row = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(Me.txtWID.Value), sh.Range("C:C"), 0)
    sh.Range("A" & Selected_Row).EntireRow.Delete
    Call Refresh_Data
    Me.txtWID.Value = ""
    Me.cmbCountry.Value = ""
    Me.txtWREF.Value = ""
    Me.cmbClient.Value = ""
    Me.txtSubClient.Value = ""
    Me.cmbType.Value = ""
    Me.txtLocation.Value = ""
    Me.txtDateStart.Value = ""
    Me.txtDateEnd.Value = ""
    Me.txtS1Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS1End.Value = ""
    Me.txtS2Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS2End.Value = ""
    Me.txtS3Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS3End.Value = ""
    Me.txtQuotedHours.Value = ""
    Me.txtActualHours.Value = ""
    Me.txtMileage.Value = ""
    Me.txtPetrol.Value = ""
    Me.txtParking.Value = ""
    Me.txtHourly.Value = ""
    Me.txtDay.Value = ""
    Me.txtSalary.Value = ""
    Me.txtTotal.Value = ""
    Me.txtIID.Value = ""
    Me.cmbPAYE.Value = ""
    Me.txtNotes.Value = ""
End Sub


Private Sub btnSave_Click()

    MsgBox "Data Saved"
End Sub


Private Sub btnUpdate_Click()

    If Me.txtWID.Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Select a record to update"
    End If
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Work")
    Dim Selected_Row As Long
    Selected_Row = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(Me.txtWID.Value), sh.Range("C:C"), 0)
    sh.Range("D" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtWREF.Value
    sh.Range("E" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.cmbClient.Value
    sh.Range("F" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtSubClient.Value
    sh.Range("G" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.cmbType.Value
    sh.Range("H" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtLocation.Value
    sh.Range("I" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtDateStart.Value
    sh.Range("J" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtDateEnd.Value
    sh.Range("K" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtS1Start.Value
    sh.Range("L" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtS1End.Value
    sh.Range("M" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtS2Start.Value
    sh.Range("N" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtS2End.Value
    sh.Range("O" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtS3Start.Value
    sh.Range("P" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtS3End.Value
    sh.Range("Q" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtQuotedHours.Value
    sh.Range("R" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtActualHours.Value
    sh.Range("S" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtMileage.Value
    sh.Range("T" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtPetrol.Value
    sh.Range("U" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtParking.Value
    sh.Range("V" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtHourly.Value
    sh.Range("W" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtDay.Value
    sh.Range("X" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtSalary.Value
    sh.Range("Y" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtTotal.Value
    sh.Range("Z" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtIID.Value
    sh.Range("AA" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.cmbPAYE.Value
    sh.Range("AB" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.txtNotes.Value
    sh.Range("AC" & Selected_Row).Value = Now
    sh.Range("AD" & Selected_Row).Value = Me.cmbCountry.Value
    Me.cmbCountry.Value = ""
    Me.txtWID.Value = ""
    Me.txtWREF.Value = ""
    Me.cmbClient.Value = ""
    Me.txtSubClient.Value = ""
    Me.cmbType.Value = ""
    Me.txtLocation.Value = ""
    Me.txtDateStart.Value = ""
    Me.txtDateEnd.Value = ""
    Me.txtS1Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS1End.Value = ""
    Me.txtS2Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS2End.Value = ""
    Me.txtS3Start.Value = ""
    Me.txtS3End.Value = ""
    Me.txtQuotedHours.Value = ""
    Me.txtActualHours.Value = ""
    Me.txtMileage.Value = ""
    Me.txtPetrol.Value = ""
    Me.txtParking.Value = ""
    Me.txtHourly.Value = ""
    Me.txtDay.Value = ""
    Me.txtSalary.Value = ""
    Me.txtTotal.Value = ""
    Me.txtIID.Value = ""
    Me.cmbPAYE.Value = ""
    Me.txtNotes.Value = ""
    Call Refresh_Data
End Sub

'Pull Table Contents to Userform Input Options

Private Sub lstWorkDatabase_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    Me.txtWID.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 0)
    Me.txtWREF.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 1)
    Me.cmbClient.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 2)
    Me.txtSubClient.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 3)
    Me.cmbType.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 4)
    Me.txtLocation.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 5)
    Me.txtDateStart.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 6)
    Me.txtDateEnd.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 7)
    Me.txtS1Start.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 8)
    Me.txtS1End.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 9)
    Me.txtS2Start.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 10)
    Me.txtS2End.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 11)
    Me.txtS3Start.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 12)
    Me.txtS3End.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 13)
    Me.txtQuotedHours.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 14)
    Me.txtActualHours.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 15)
    Me.txtMileage.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 16)
    Me.txtPetrol.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 17)
    Me.txtParking.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 18)
    Me.txtHourly.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 19)
    Me.txtDay.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 20)
    Me.txtSalary.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 21)
    Me.txtTotal.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 22)
    Me.txtIID.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 23)
    Me.cmbPAYE.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 24)
    Me.txtNotes.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 25)
    Me.cmbCountry.Value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 27)
End Sub

'Display Table Contents on Userform Database

Sub Refresh_Data()

    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Work")
    Dim last_Row As Long
    last_Row = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(sh.Range("C:C"))
    With Me.lstWorkDatabase
        .ColumnHeads = True
        .ColumnCount = 28
        .ColumnWidths = "30,90,80,80,90,100,60,60,40,40,40,40,40,40,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,60,40,100,100,50"
        If last_Row = 1 Then
        .RowSource = "Work!C7:AD7"
        .RowSource = "Work!C7:AD7" & last_Row
        End If
    End With
End Sub

'Additional Buttons for Userforms
'New Client

Private Sub btnNewClient_Click()

End Sub

'New Job Type

Private Sub btnNewType_Click()

End Sub

'Change of Combo Boxes

Private Sub cmbType_Change()

    Me.cmbType.List = Worksheets("JobType").Range("D7:D50").Value
End Sub

Private Sub cmbClient_Change()

    Me.cmbClient.List = Worksheets("Client").Range("E7:E50").Value
End Sub

Upvote 0
not tested but see if this update to the btnAdd_Click procedure does what you want.

VBA Code:
Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
    Dim Income(1 To 3)  As Currency
    Dim UKSelected      As Boolean
    Dim last_Row        As Long, i As Long
    Dim wsWork          As Worksheet, wsAdmin       As Worksheet
    Dim Prefix          As String, CurrencyFormat   As String, CtrlName As String
    With ThisWorkbook
        Set wsWork = .Worksheets("Work")
        Set wsAdmin = .Worksheets("Admin")
    End With
    UKSelected = Me.cmbCountry.Value = "UK"
    Prefix = IIf(UKSelected, "UK-WREF", "AUS-WREF")
    CurrencyFormat = IIf(UKSelected, "$#,##0.00", "[$$-en-AU]#,##0.00")
    'income - validate numeric entry & corece text to currency data type
    For i = 1 To 3
        CtrlName = Choose(i, "txtHourly", "txtDay", "txtSalary")
        With Me.Controls(CtrlName)
            If Not IsNumeric(.Value) Then
                MsgBox "Please Enter " & Mid(CtrlName, 4) & " Rate", 48, "Invalid Entry"
                .SetFocus: Exit Sub
            End If
            Income(i) = CCur(.Value)
        End With
    Next i
    With wsAdmin
        With .Cells(IIf(UKSelected, 2, 3), 2)
            .Value = .Value + 1
        End With
        .Range("D2").Value = Prefix
        Me.txtWREF = .Range("D1").Value
    End With
    last_Row = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(wsWork.Range("C:C")) + 1
    With wsWork
        .Range("C" & last_Row).Value = "=Row()-6"
        .Range("D" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtWREF.Value
        .Range("E" & last_Row).Value = Me.cmbClient.Value
        .Range("F" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtSubClient.Value
        .Range("G" & last_Row).Value = Me.cmbType.Value
        .Range("H" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtLocation.Value
        .Range("I" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtDateStart.Value
        .Range("J" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtDateEnd.Value
        .Range("K" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS1Start.Value
        .Range("L" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS1End.Value
        .Range("M" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS2Start.Value
        .Range("N" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS2End.Value
        .Range("O" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS3Start.Value
        .Range("P" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS3End.Value
        .Range("Q" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtQuotedHours.Value
        .Range("R" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtActualHours.Value
        .Range("S" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtMileage.Value
        .Range("T" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtPetrol.Value
        .Range("U" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtParking.Value
        'income (Columns V W X)
         With .Cells(last_Row, 22).Resize(, 3)
                .Value = Income
                .NumberFormat = CurrencyFormat
        End With

        .Range("Y" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtTotal.Value
        .Range("Z" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtIID.Value
        .Range("AA" & last_Row).Value = Me.cmbPAYE.Value
        .Range("AB" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtNotes.Value
        .Range("AC" & last_Row).Value = Now
        .Range("AD" & last_Row).Value = Me.cmbCountry.Value
    End With
    Call btnClear_Click
    Call Refresh_Data
End Sub

Upvote 0
not tested but see if this update to the btnAdd_Click procedure does what you want.

VBA Code:
Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
    Dim Income(1 To 3)  As Currency
    Dim UKSelected      As Boolean
    Dim last_Row        As Long, i As Long
    Dim wsWork          As Worksheet, wsAdmin       As Worksheet
    Dim Prefix          As String, CurrencyFormat   As String, CtrlName As String
    With ThisWorkbook
        Set wsWork = .Worksheets("Work")
        Set wsAdmin = .Worksheets("Admin")
    End With
    UKSelected = Me.cmbCountry.Value = "UK"
    Prefix = IIf(UKSelected, "UK-WREF", "AUS-WREF")
    CurrencyFormat = IIf(UKSelected, "$#,##0.00", "[$$-en-AU]#,##0.00")
    'income - validate numeric entry & corece text to currency data type
    For i = 1 To 3
        CtrlName = Choose(i, "txtHourly", "txtDay", "txtSalary")
        With Me.Controls(CtrlName)
            If Not IsNumeric(.Value) Then
                MsgBox "Please Enter " & Mid(CtrlName, 4) & " Rate", 48, "Invalid Entry"
                .SetFocus: Exit Sub
            End If
            Income(i) = CCur(.Value)
        End With
    Next i
    With wsAdmin
        With .Cells(IIf(UKSelected, 2, 3), 2)
            .Value = .Value + 1
        End With
        .Range("D2").Value = Prefix
        Me.txtWREF = .Range("D1").Value
    End With
    last_Row = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(wsWork.Range("C:C")) + 1
    With wsWork
        .Range("C" & last_Row).Value = "=Row()-6"
        .Range("D" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtWREF.Value
        .Range("E" & last_Row).Value = Me.cmbClient.Value
        .Range("F" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtSubClient.Value
        .Range("G" & last_Row).Value = Me.cmbType.Value
        .Range("H" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtLocation.Value
        .Range("I" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtDateStart.Value
        .Range("J" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtDateEnd.Value
        .Range("K" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS1Start.Value
        .Range("L" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS1End.Value
        .Range("M" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS2Start.Value
        .Range("N" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS2End.Value
        .Range("O" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS3Start.Value
        .Range("P" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtS3End.Value
        .Range("Q" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtQuotedHours.Value
        .Range("R" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtActualHours.Value
        .Range("S" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtMileage.Value
        .Range("T" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtPetrol.Value
        .Range("U" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtParking.Value
        'income (Columns V W X)
         With .Cells(last_Row, 22).Resize(, 3)
                .Value = Income
                .NumberFormat = CurrencyFormat
        End With

        .Range("Y" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtTotal.Value
        .Range("Z" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtIID.Value
        .Range("AA" & last_Row).Value = Me.cmbPAYE.Value
        .Range("AB" & last_Row).Value = Me.txtNotes.Value
        .Range("AC" & last_Row).Value = Now
        .Range("AD" & last_Row).Value = Me.cmbCountry.Value
    End With
    Call btnClear_Click
    Call Refresh_Data
End Sub


Thanks for this Dave. I need all of this onto 1 worksheet - is there a way to do this without having wsAdmin aswell?

Upvote 0
I have been trying to use the below code - it gives me a currency during the users input into the text box, but when it is added to the table on a worksheet, it is changed from a $ to a £.

Can anyone help?


VBA Code:
Me.txtHourly.value = Format(txtHourly.value, "$###,##")
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