Am new to vba and I need help the userform I just created to edit my table similar to a search. I already have a userform that populates this datatable.
1. On the userform (frmEdit), the combobox has a drop down with the Products but I dont know how to get the textboxes to populate with the PartID, Location, Date and Quantity of the Product I selected from the drop down and also to edit them assuming an error was enter to the data from my first userform (frmProd). I have shown the table below
PartID Products Location Date Qty
12345 Door Store4 23-Sep-11 15
12365 Eject knob Store1 24-Sep-11 50
12360 Blank cap Store2 24-Sep-11 100
12380 Screw caps Store5 24-Sep-11 50
2. I wanted to use a date and time format in my first userform (frmProd) but it comes up with the error message. Here is my code;
frmProd.txtDate.Value = Format(Date, "ddd dd/mm/yyyy", "hh:mm")
Am tired of guessing. LoL! Pls help with both 1 and 2
Am new to vba and I need help the userform I just created to edit my table similar to a search. I already have a userform that populates this datatable.
1. On the userform (frmEdit), the combobox has a drop down with the Products but I dont know how to get the textboxes to populate with the PartID, Location, Date and Quantity of the Product I selected from the drop down and also to edit them assuming an error was enter to the data from my first userform (frmProd). I have shown the table below
PartID Products Location Date Qty
12345 Door Store4 23-Sep-11 15
12365 Eject knob Store1 24-Sep-11 50
12360 Blank cap Store2 24-Sep-11 100
12380 Screw caps Store5 24-Sep-11 50
2. I wanted to use a date and time format in my first userform (frmProd) but it comes up with the error message. Here is my code;
frmProd.txtDate.Value = Format(Date, "ddd dd/mm/yyyy", "hh:mm")
Am tired of guessing. LoL! Pls help with both 1 and 2