I have a form I created for my office that uses Excel 2007. To create a unique ID for each form completed I created a formula that takes the name entered in one cell and concatenates it with the date & time in the adjacent cell. The date and time is calculated using the NOW() function in the cell. so, for example if Bob Smith completed the form today at 2:15 PM, the unique id would be "140903-1415BS" (YYMMDD-HHMMFL) One of my users time is consistently defaulting to 00:00, and I cannot determine why. no, he is not here @ midnight completing it
The only editable (by the user) cell is the name, date cell is locked (formatted as date), unique id cell is locked.
Thoughts on why this occuring and how it can be fixed?
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I have a form I created for my office that uses Excel 2007. To create a unique ID for each form completed I created a formula that takes the name entered in one cell and concatenates it with the date & time in the adjacent cell. The date and time is calculated using the NOW() function in the cell. so, for example if Bob Smith completed the form today at 2:15 PM, the unique id would be "140903-1415BS" (YYMMDD-HHMMFL) One of my users time is consistently defaulting to 00:00, and I cannot determine why. no, he is not here @ midnight completing it

The only editable (by the user) cell is the name, date cell is locked (formatted as date), unique id cell is locked.
Thoughts on why this occuring and how it can be fixed?
There are currently no other users with this issue.