I have spent hours searching this forum and performing Google searches to find the answer to my question but so far have only found bits and pieces. This is my first attempt to write a VBA macro and I think it is pretty simple however i have hit a roadblock and hope someone can help me out.
I have two arrays numfail and faildata that contain double precision numbers. The task is to plot the faildata array as the x-values and numfail as the y-values in an xy scatterplot.
I have done this before as named ranges in another worksheet but I would like to plot this from VBA subroutines in this worksheet.
I am including all of my code, sorry for the clutter, so that you will know just what I am doing.
The code works until I get to the Sub TTTplotcreate() and I am completely confused on how to get the chart to execute properly.
All help is greatly appreciated.
The initial data is read from the spread sheet from the following address:
numfail from D22:D34
faildata from E22:E34
Also Sheet1 has been renamed to INPUT DATA.
The code I have so for is:
Option Base 1 ' Array elements start at 1 and not 0
Sub SysRel()
Worksheets("Input Data").Activate
Dim i As Integer ' Looping index
Dim firstrow As Integer ' Define first row as 1 to find beginning of numeric data
Dim lastrow As Integer ' Define last row to find end of numeric data
Dim numinputrows As Integer ' Represents the number of data points to be analyzed
Dim numfail(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing data for the number of failures
Dim scalednumfail(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing the scaled number of failures
Dim failtime(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing data for the failure time for each failure
Dim w(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing data for TTT plot
Dim scaledw(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing scaled w data for the unit TTT plot
Dim duanex(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing Ln scale of time values for Duane plots
Dim duaney(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing Ln scale of (number of failures)/(time) values for Duane plots
' Loop to find first numeric row that starts failure data portion of input field
firstrow = 1
lastrow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = firstrow To lastrow
If Cells(i, 1) = 0 Then
firstrow = i
End If
Next i
'Range("G1") = firstrow
numinputrows = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - (firstrow - 1)
' Read in failure data
For i = 1 To numinputrows
numfail(i) = Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 1)
failtime(i) = Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 2)
Next i
' Code to compute data for scaled TTT plot
' Compute wi's
For i = 1 To (numinputrows - 1)
scalednumfail(i) = numfail(i) / ((numinputrows - 1) - 1)
w(i) = -Log(failtime(numinputrows - i + 1) / failtime(numinputrows))
Next i
' Compute scaled wi's
For i = 1 To (numinputrows - 1)
scaledw(i) = w(i) / w(numinputrows - 1)
Next i
' Compute data for Duane plots
For i = 2 To numinputrows
duanex(i) = Log(failtime(i))
duaney(i) = Log(numfail(i) / failtime(i))
Next i
' Print computed plot values into spreadsheet*
For i = 1 To numinputrows
' Print failure data for TTT plot into spreadsheet
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 4) = numfail(i)
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 5) = failtime(i)
Next i
For i = 1 To numinputrows - 1
' Print unit TTT plot data into spreadsheet
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 6) = scalednumfail(i)
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 7) = w(i)
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 8) = scaledw(i)
Next i
For i = 2 To numinputrows
' Print failure data for Duane plot
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 9) = duanex(i)
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 10) = duaney(i)
Next i
End Sub
Sub TTTplotcreate()
Dim TTTChtObj As ChartObject
Set TTTChtObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add _
(Left:=586, Width:=400, Top:=250, Height:=300)
TTTChtObj.Chart.ChartType = xlXYScatter
Set TTTChtObj = ActiveSheet.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
With TTTChtObj
.XValues = failtime
.Values = numfail
.Name = TTTplot
End With
'TTTChtObj.Chart.ChartType = xlXYScatter
End Sub
I have spent hours searching this forum and performing Google searches to find the answer to my question but so far have only found bits and pieces. This is my first attempt to write a VBA macro and I think it is pretty simple however i have hit a roadblock and hope someone can help me out.
I have two arrays numfail and faildata that contain double precision numbers. The task is to plot the faildata array as the x-values and numfail as the y-values in an xy scatterplot.
I have done this before as named ranges in another worksheet but I would like to plot this from VBA subroutines in this worksheet.
I am including all of my code, sorry for the clutter, so that you will know just what I am doing.
The code works until I get to the Sub TTTplotcreate() and I am completely confused on how to get the chart to execute properly.
All help is greatly appreciated.
The initial data is read from the spread sheet from the following address:
numfail from D22:D34
faildata from E22:E34
Also Sheet1 has been renamed to INPUT DATA.
The code I have so for is:
Option Base 1 ' Array elements start at 1 and not 0
Sub SysRel()
Worksheets("Input Data").Activate
Dim i As Integer ' Looping index
Dim firstrow As Integer ' Define first row as 1 to find beginning of numeric data
Dim lastrow As Integer ' Define last row to find end of numeric data
Dim numinputrows As Integer ' Represents the number of data points to be analyzed
Dim numfail(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing data for the number of failures
Dim scalednumfail(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing the scaled number of failures
Dim failtime(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing data for the failure time for each failure
Dim w(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing data for TTT plot
Dim scaledw(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing scaled w data for the unit TTT plot
Dim duanex(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing Ln scale of time values for Duane plots
Dim duaney(1 To 1000) As Double ' Array containing Ln scale of (number of failures)/(time) values for Duane plots
' Loop to find first numeric row that starts failure data portion of input field
firstrow = 1
lastrow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = firstrow To lastrow
If Cells(i, 1) = 0 Then
firstrow = i
End If
Next i
'Range("G1") = firstrow
numinputrows = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - (firstrow - 1)
' Read in failure data
For i = 1 To numinputrows
numfail(i) = Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 1)
failtime(i) = Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 2)
Next i
' Code to compute data for scaled TTT plot
' Compute wi's
For i = 1 To (numinputrows - 1)
scalednumfail(i) = numfail(i) / ((numinputrows - 1) - 1)
w(i) = -Log(failtime(numinputrows - i + 1) / failtime(numinputrows))
Next i
' Compute scaled wi's
For i = 1 To (numinputrows - 1)
scaledw(i) = w(i) / w(numinputrows - 1)
Next i
' Compute data for Duane plots
For i = 2 To numinputrows
duanex(i) = Log(failtime(i))
duaney(i) = Log(numfail(i) / failtime(i))
Next i
' Print computed plot values into spreadsheet*
For i = 1 To numinputrows
' Print failure data for TTT plot into spreadsheet
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 4) = numfail(i)
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 5) = failtime(i)
Next i
For i = 1 To numinputrows - 1
' Print unit TTT plot data into spreadsheet
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 6) = scalednumfail(i)
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 7) = w(i)
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 8) = scaledw(i)
Next i
For i = 2 To numinputrows
' Print failure data for Duane plot
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 9) = duanex(i)
Worksheets("Input Data").Cells(i + firstrow - 1, 10) = duaney(i)
Next i
End Sub
Sub TTTplotcreate()
Dim TTTChtObj As ChartObject
Set TTTChtObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add _
(Left:=586, Width:=400, Top:=250, Height:=300)
TTTChtObj.Chart.ChartType = xlXYScatter
Set TTTChtObj = ActiveSheet.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
With TTTChtObj
.XValues = failtime
.Values = numfail
.Name = TTTplot
End With
'TTTChtObj.Chart.ChartType = xlXYScatter
End Sub