I have an interesting occurrence. I noticed in the Locals window that when my variable is assigned as an array it changes it to TEST(0) and then lists the position after IE TEST(0)(x). I haven't seen this before and didn't see anything come up with this when I did some browsing. Any reason for this?
I intended this to be used on a selection that would go through and open a webpage for the information I'm seeking. It works most of the way I want but haven't come across the addition (0) for arrays before. I'm assuming that it may have something to do with Split or the way I have things setup, and we all know what assuming does.
Sub oenuthoetnuh()
Dim TEST As Variant
On Error GoTo endd:
For Each r In Selection
TEST = Array(Split(r.Value2, ","))
For k = 0 To 100
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink "http://www.website.com/" & TEST(0)(k)
MsgBox "Verify Time", vbOKOnly, "TITLE"
End Sub