Hi all,
I am cycling through a series of data, and assigning each data item to a specific array based on some critera. After that I am then performing smoe calculations on the data.
My problem is that my code is breaking down when one of the arrays doesn't contain any data.
I have tried to check if the array is filled using various functions,
IsArray(var) only says if the array exists
IsEmpty(var) returns fasle even when the array is empty.
Does anyone have any ideas about what to do?
Here is my code:
Thanks for the help
I am cycling through a series of data, and assigning each data item to a specific array based on some critera. After that I am then performing smoe calculations on the data.
My problem is that my code is breaking down when one of the arrays doesn't contain any data.
I have tried to check if the array is filled using various functions,
IsArray(var) only says if the array exists
IsEmpty(var) returns fasle even when the array is empty.
Does anyone have any ideas about what to do?
Here is my code:
Private Sub CreateTable()
Dim AgPres As Long, AsPres As Long, AcPres As Long, DifPres As Long
Dim StDAry() As Double
Dim AsPresAr() As Double
Dim AgPresAr() As Double
Dim LRow As Long
Dim Flows As Long
Dim AgPresCnt As Long
Dim AsPresCnt As Long
Dim AgPresCu As Double, AsPresCu As Double
Dim AbsAsEr As Double
Dim AsArCnt As Long
Dim AsBrCnt As Long
Dim AbsPosErFinal As Double
Dim AbsPosErVal As Double
Dim AbsPosErCnt As Long
Dim AbsNegErFinal As Double
Dim AbsNegErVal As Double
Dim AbsNegErCnt As Long
Dim StDevTotal As Double
Dim StDevCuVal As Double
Dim StDevMean As Double
Dim StDevFinal As Double
Dim AbsAsErFinal As Double
Dim AgArCnt As Long
AsPres = 2
AgPres = 3
AcPres = 4
DifPres = 5
Flows = 6
If Not ActiveSheet.Name = "Agreed data" Then
Sheets("Agreed data").Select
End If
LRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'Cycles through values and adds to arrays
For i = 3 To LRow
If Cells(i, Flows).Value <= 0 Then
GoTo NextI
If Not Cells(i, AgPres).Value = 0 Then
AgPresCnt = AgPresCnt + 1
ReDim Preserve AgPresAr(1 To AgPresCnt)
AgPresAr(AgPresCnt) = Cells(i, DifPres).Value
End If
AsPresCnt = AsPresCnt + 1
ReDim Preserve AsPresAr(1 To AsPresCnt)
AsPresAr(AsPresCnt) = Cells(i, DifPres).Value
End If
Next i
'Calculates data for all critical OT's
AsArCnt = 0
AsBrCnt = 0
AbsAsEr = 0
AbsPosErVal = 0
AbsPosErCnt = 0
AbsNegErCnt = 0
AbsNegErVal = 0
StDevMean = 0
StDevCuVal = 0
StDevTotal = 0
AbsAsErFinal = 0
AbsNegErFinal = 0
StDevFinal = 0
AsArCnt = AsArCnt + 1
'Calculates breaches
If AsPresAr(AsArCnt) < 0 Then
AsBrCnt = AsBrCnt + 1
End If
'Calculates AbsEr
AbsAsEr = AbsAsEr + Sqr(AsPresAr(AsArCnt) ^ 2)
' Calculates positive error
If AsPresAr(AsArCnt) > 0 Then
AbsPosErCnt = AbsPosErCnt + 1
AbsPosErVal = AbsPosErVal + AsPresAr(AsArCnt)
End If
'Calculates Neg error
If AsPresAr(AsArCnt) < 0 Then
AbsNegErCnt = AbsNegErCnt + 1
AbsNegErVal = AbsNegErVal + AsPresAr(AsArCnt)
End If
'Calculates Standard Deviation
StDevMean = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(AsPresAr)
StDevCuVal = (AsPresAr(AsArCnt) - StDevMean) ^ 2
StDevTotal = StDevTotal + StDevCuVal
Loop Until AsArCnt = AsPresCnt
AbsAsErFinal = AbsAsEr / Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(AsPresAr)
If AbsPosErCnt = 0 Then
AbsPosErFinal = 0
AbsPosErFinal = AbsPosErVal / AbsPosErCnt
End If
If AbsNegErCnt = 0 Then
AbsNegErFinal = 0
AbsNegErFinal = AbsNegErVal / AbsNegErCnt
End If
StDevFinal = Sqr(StDevTotal / (Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(AsPresAr) - 1))
'Calculates Pressure Requests
'Counts number of requests
Dim AgPresReq As Long
Dim AgBrCnt As Long
Dim AbsCuVal As Double, AgAbsTotal As Double, AgAbsFinal As Double
Dim AgPosErCnt As Long, AgPosErTotal As Double, AgPosErFinal As Double
Dim AgNegErCnt As Long, AgNegErTotal As Double, AgNegErFinal As Double
Dim AgStDevMean As Double, AgStDevCuVal As Double, AgStDevTotal As Double, AgStDevFinal As Double
AgPresReq = 0
AgBrCnt = 0
AbsCuVal = 0
AgAbsTotal = 0
AgAbsFinal = 0
AgPosErCnt = 0
AgPosErTotal = 0
AgPosErFinal = 0
AgNegErCnt = 0
AgNegErTotal = 0
AgNegErFinal = 0
AgStDevMean = 0
AgStDevCuVal = 0
AgStDevTotal = 0
AgStDevFinal = 0
'If IsEmpty(AgPresAr) Then
' AgPresReq = 0
' AgBrCnt = 0
' AgAbsFinal = 0
' AgPosErFinal = 0
' AgNegErFinal = 0
' AgStDevFinal = 0
AgPresReq = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(AgPresAr)
AgArCnt = AgArCnt + 1
'Counts Breaches
If AgPresAr(AgArCnt) < 0 Then
AgBrCnt = AgBrCnt + 1
End If
'Abs Error
AgAbsCuval = Sqr((AgPresAr(AgArCnt)) ^ 2)
AgAbsTotal = AgAbsTotal + AgAbsCuval
If AgPresAr(AgArCnt) > 0 Then
AgPosErCnt = AgPosErCnt + 1
AgPosErTotal = AgPosErTotal + AgPresAr(AgArCnt)
End If
If AgPresAr(AgArCnt) < 0 Then
AgNegErCnt = AgNegErCnt + 1
AgNegErTotal = AgNegErTotal + AgPresAr(AgArCnt)
End If
'Calculates Standard Deviation
AgStDevMean = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(AgPresAr)
AgStDevCuVal = (AgPresAr(AgArCnt) - AgStDevMean) ^ 2
AgStDevTotal = AgStDevTotal + AgStDevCuVal
Loop Until AgArCnt = AgPresCnt
If Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(AgPresAr) = 0 Then
AgAbsFinal = 0
AgAbsFinal = AgAbsTotal / Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(AgPresAr)
End If
If AgPosErCnt = 0 Then
AgPosErFinal = 0
AgPosErFinal = AgPosErTotal / AgPosErCnt
End If
If AgNegErCnt = 0 Then
AgNegErFinal = 0
AgNegErFinal = AgNegErTotal / AgNegErCnt
End If
AgStDevFinal = Sqr(AgStDevTotal / (Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(AgPresAr) - 1))
'End If
Cells(55, 5).Value = StDevFinal
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = Sheets("ControlPage")
IntCol = 2
'''Enter VAlues in Table!!!!!!!!
sht.Cells(2, IntCol).Value = AsBrCnt
sht.Cells(3, IntCol).Value = AbsAsErFinal
sht.Cells(4, IntCol).Value = AbsPosErFinal
sht.Cells(5, IntCol).Value = AbsNegErFinal
sht.Cells(6, IntCol).Value = StDevFinal
sht.Cells(9, IntCol).Value = AgPresReq
sht.Cells(10, IntCol).Value = AgBrCnt
sht.Cells(11, IntCol).Value = AgAbsFinal
sht.Cells(12, IntCol).Value = AgPosErFinal
sht.Cells(13, IntCol).Value = AgNegErFinal
sht.Cells(14, IntCol).Value = AgStDevFinal
'reset all variables
AgPresReq = 0
AgBrCnt = 0
AbsCuVal = 0
AgAbsTotal = 0
AgAbsFinal = 0
AgPosErCnt = 0
AgPosErTotal = 0
AgPosErFinal = 0
AgNegErCnt = 0
AgNegErTotal = 0
AgNegErFinal = 0
AgStDevMean = 0
AgStDevCuVal = 0
AgStDevTotal = 0
AgStDevFinal = 0
AsArCnt = 0
AsBrCnt = 0
AbsAsEr = 0
AbsPosErVal = 0
AbsPosErCnt = 0
AbsNegErCnt = 0
AbsNegErVal = 0
StDevMean = 0
StDevCuVal = 0
StDevTotal = 0
AbsAsErFinal = 0
AbsNegErFinal = 0
StDevFinal = 0
AsArCnt = 0
AgArCnt = 0
Erase AsPresAr
Erase AgPresAr
End Sub
Thanks for the help