Hello there,
In my macro I basically want to assign various column ranges to variable names so that I can call them later.
I am often finding that the layout of the data I work with changes and so I need to use range variables defined by column titles to be able to consistently use the correct columns in my code.
I am unsure where my error is in the following code. The aim of it is to use two set up arrays of column titles in string format that I can search for and variable names for each column once they're found.
The loop searches for each column and then assigns the corresponding variable name to it for future reference.
I think my error is in my declarations and a general muddling of variable types but I don't have enough VBA knowledge to untangle the mess!
If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated as I think this is a topic a lot of people could do with help on.
In my macro I basically want to assign various column ranges to variable names so that I can call them later.
I am often finding that the layout of the data I work with changes and so I need to use range variables defined by column titles to be able to consistently use the correct columns in my code.
I am unsure where my error is in the following code. The aim of it is to use two set up arrays of column titles in string format that I can search for and variable names for each column once they're found.
The loop searches for each column and then assigns the corresponding variable name to it for future reference.
I think my error is in my declarations and a general muddling of variable types but I don't have enough VBA knowledge to untangle the mess!
If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated as I think this is a topic a lot of people could do with help on.
[COLOR="Blue"]Sub[/COLOR] Test()
[COLOR="Blue"]Dim [/COLOR]SalesDoc [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Range, NetValue [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Range
[COLOR="Blue"]Dim [/COLOR]CreatedOn [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Range, DocCurr [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Range
[COLOR="Blue"]Dim [/COLOR]CreatedBy [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Range, SalesOrg [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Range
[COLOR="Blue"]Dim [/COLOR]SalesGrp [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Range, SalesOff [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Range
[COLOR="Blue"]Dim [/COLOR]PODate [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Range, FindRng [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Range
[COLOR="Blue"]Dim [/COLOR]ColArray [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Variant, TitleArray [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Variant
[COLOR="Blue"]Dim [/COLOR]i [COLOR="blue"]As [/COLOR]Integer
[COLOR="green"]'---------Set up Arrays-------------[/COLOR]
ColArray = Array("Sales Document", "Created On", "Created by", "Net Value", _
"Doc. Currency", "Sales Org.", "Sales Group", "Sales Office", _
"PO date")
TitleArray = Array(SalesDoc, CreatedOn, CreatedBy, NetValue, DocCurr, _
SalesOrg, SalesGrp, SalesOff, PODate)
[COLOR="green"]'Loop to assign column ranges to each variable[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]For [/COLOR]i = 0 [COLOR="blue"]To [/COLOR]8
[COLOR="blue"]Set [/COLOR]FindRng = Range("A1:Z1").Find(ColArray(i))
[COLOR="Green"]'Error comes up here....[/COLOR]
[COLOR="blue"]Set [/COLOR]TitleArray(i) = Range(FindRng, FindRng.End(x1down))
[COLOR="blue"]If[/COLOR] FindRng [COLOR="blue"]Is Nothing Then[/COLOR]
MsgBox ColArray & " column title was not found."
[COLOR="blue"] Exit Sub[/COLOR]
[COLOR="blue"]End If[/COLOR]
[COLOR="blue"]Next [/COLOR]i
[COLOR="blue"]End Sub[/COLOR]