Ive got a command button that I am using in a process that simply quit working. If I run the text through VB it works fine but from the spreadsheet not so much. Any idea of why this is happening and how I can get it to work again?
Private Sub CommandButton46_Click()
CommandButton47.Visible = True
CommandButton48.Visible = True
Range("A30").Value = "19"
Range("A31").Value = "20"
Range("B30").Value = "Does project have potential in other areas to warrant continued development?"
Range("C30").Value = "Are there any other groups within company that could benefit from continued development?"
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton46_Click()
CommandButton47.Visible = True
CommandButton48.Visible = True
Range("A30").Value = "19"
Range("A31").Value = "20"
Range("B30").Value = "Does project have potential in other areas to warrant continued development?"
Range("C30").Value = "Are there any other groups within company that could benefit from continued development?"
End Sub