'Name: Connect
'Purpose: Connects to Essbase passing login variables
Sub Connect()
Dim x As Long
x = EssVConnect(Empty, Null, Null, ES_SRV, ES_APPL, ES_DB)
End Sub
'Name: SetEssbaseOptions
'Purpose: Sets the Essbase Options prior to retrieving data
Sub SetEssbaseOptions()
Dim x As Long
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 11, False) 'Turn off Preserve formulas
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 2, True) 'Turn off Enable include-selection setting
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 5, 2) 'Specify Indent Setting 1 = No Indent, 2 = Indent Sub Items, 3 = Indent Totals
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 6, False) 'Suppress-missing
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 7, False) 'Suppress zero
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 8, False) 'Suppress underscores setting
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 9, "0") 'Alias for missing text
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 11, True) 'Preserve formulas
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 12, False) 'Adjust columns
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 13, True) 'Enable Alias name table setting
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 14, "Default") 'Alias names
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 24, False) 'Enable both member names and alias setting
x = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 25, False) 'Enable repeat member labels setting
x = EssVSetGlobalOption(5, 2) 'No Error messages 1 = Info,Warning & Error messages; 2 = Warning & Error messages Only; 3 = Error Messages only; 4 = No Messages
x = EssVSetGlobalOption(6, True) 'Display unknowns
x = EssVSetGlobalOption(7, False) 'Enable route messages to log setting
x = EssVSetGlobalOption(8, True) 'Enable purge log setting
End Sub
I am using Essbase Add-in in Excel 2003, wherein I put ID and password in Essbase from Excel sheet and then connect with Essbase, then data comes on the excel sheet, which is ready to use in different purpose.
Now, I want some VBA code which can be used to login in Essbase Addin and add value to the automation step...
Any help is very much appreciated...Please feel free to contact for any additional information.