Hi guys, hoping you can help.
Im using a for loop to populate a spreadsheet from a HTTPrequest and its just taking ages. It already has to go through a JSON parser and populating the sheet cell by cell is just not practical.
Any help would be appreciated
Here we go:
Set json = lib.parse(HttpReq.ResponseText)
For x = 1 To json("results").Count
For y = 1 To lastColumn
Sheet11.Cells(x + 2, y) = json("results")(x)("" & Sheet11.Cells(2, y) & "")
Next y
Next x
Im using a for loop to populate a spreadsheet from a HTTPrequest and its just taking ages. It already has to go through a JSON parser and populating the sheet cell by cell is just not practical.
Any help would be appreciated
Here we go:
Set json = lib.parse(HttpReq.ResponseText)
For x = 1 To json("results").Count
For y = 1 To lastColumn
Sheet11.Cells(x + 2, y) = json("results")(x)("" & Sheet11.Cells(2, y) & "")
Next y
Next x