trying to have a userform run only once, long story, but for somereason my handler will not take me to the line i specify.
any ideas?
seems straight forward enough...
any ideas?
Rich (BB code):
Private Sub coInf1()
Dim rF$, User$
Dim txt As String
txt = coInf.Txtbx.Value
User = Application.UserName
rF = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "-" & "8.Log"
If Dir(rF) = Empty Then
If txt = "passsword" Then GoTo sLip
Open rF For Output As #1
Close #1
MsgBox "Thank You for Registering!" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "This Product has now been officially Registered to " & Sheets("INPUT").Cells(2, 8).Value, vbExclamation, "Registration"
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub