So I'm using VBA to complete a form in Internet Explorer. Within the form, I enter text in one box(Store Number), then text in another(Qty per Store), then I click a button.
The problem is the image is clicked before the text is entered, so I get an error telling me to enter a "Store Number." How can I get it to wait for the text to enter? Something like waiting for text playback in MacroExpress.
So I'm using VBA to complete a form in Internet Explorer. Within the form, I enter text in one box(Store Number), then text in another(Qty per Store), then I click a button.
The problem is the image is clicked before the text is entered, so I get an error telling me to enter a "Store Number." How can I get it to wait for the text to enter? Something like waiting for text playback in MacroExpress.
Set storeID = appIE.Document.getElementsByName("StoreNumber")
storeID(0).Value = Cells(y, 4)
Set Push = appIE.Document.getElementsByName("QtyPerStore")
Push(0).Value = Cells(y, 5)
Set IMG = appIE.Document.getElementsByTagName("IMG")
For Each IMGx In IMG
If IMGx.alt = "Add Store(s) to Selection(s)" Then
End If